


词典become infatuated迷瞪。


词典feel puzzled迷瞪;困惑不解;疑惑不解;纳闷儿。

迷瞪 双语例句

1. 我不知道是不是这一吻打动了哈里顿,有几分钟,他很当心不让他的脸被人看见,等到他抬起脸时,他却迷瞪地不知朝哪边望才好。
    Nay, you'll be ashamed of me every day of your life, 'he answered; `and the more, the more you know me; and I cannot bide it.

2. 或者你可以试试喝一大杯暖暖的拿铁,然后迷瞪15分钟。
    Or try the Nap-a-latteTM, which is the dynamic duo.

3. 迷瞪的近义词

3. 师兄在厨房打扫的时候,我盯着本本,偎着取暖器迷瞪了会。
    Till then, I noticed that I was not yet grown up and independent. But I have to be...

4. 迷瞪的反义词

4. 我不知道是不是这一吻打动了哈里顿,有几分钟,他很当心不让他的脸被人看见,等到他抬起脸时,他却迷瞪地不知朝哪边望才好。
    Whether the kiss convinced Hareton, I cannot tell: he was very careful, for some minutes, that his face should not be seen, and when he did raise it, he was sadly puzzled where to turn his eyes.

5. 一位反权力分享者在最近的欧洲大选上的举动令人迷瞪口呆。
    An anti-power-sharing candidate did surprisingly well in the recent European elections.

6. 呼呼,不光英文不行了,中文也不行,地理知识也不行,金山词霸加上google~去迷瞪一会,有时间就继续
    In the 14th century, China`s Ming armies laid siege to the Mongol city and diverted the Black River, which flowed just outside the fortress.