1. 問題在於你只能在改變過後才看得清直實情況,你可能水星逆行,迷迷糊糊時就下了決定,這些決定都是基於當下你「以為」的真實下所作的,但最終又不是最佳的決定。
The problem is that you won't be able to see exactly how those changes will play out. Yet you may be making decisions, but those decisions will be based more on what WAS true, but not what WILL be true in a very short time.
2. 一个矮矮胖胖的中年男人,戴着老大的一副猫头鹰式眼镜,正醉醺醺地坐在一张大桌子的边上,迷迷糊糊目不转睛地看着书架上一排排的书。
A stout, middle-aged man, with enormous owl-eyed spectacles, was sitting somewhat drunk on the edge of a great table, staring with unsteady concentration at the shelves of books.
3. 他色迷迷地看著所有漂亮的女孩)。
He ogled all the pretty girls.
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. 他偶尔在黎明时分迷迷糊糊刚入睡,皮匠的歌声便把他吵醒了。
He was a banker; when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break, the cobber awoke him with his song.
5. 迷迷的翻译
5. 当晚雨越下越大,又冷又饿的她含着眼泪,吃力地爬过一米多高的围墙,在猪圈内的干草上迷迷糊糊蜷缩了整整一夜。
The greater the rain of the evening, her eyes dark man, struggling to climb over one metre high wall of hay in the sty of a full night bomb is blurred.
6. 问题在於你只能在改变过后才看得清直实情况,你可能水星逆行,迷迷糊糊时就下了决定,这些决定都是基於当下你「以为」的真实下所作的,但最终又不是最佳的决定。
The problem is that you won't be able to see exactly how those changes will play out. Yet you may be m a k i n g decisions, but those decisions will be based more on what WAS true, but not what WILL be true in a very short time.
7. 我们生活在一个前所未有的兴盛时代,那么幸福,那么快乐,我们要为这个时代争光添彩,要锦上添花,不要迷迷糊糊地荒度光阴。。
We live in an era of unprecedented prosperity, so happy, so happy, we have to add luster to this era of glory, to be icing on the cake, do not drowsily shortage degrees Our Time..
8. 迷迷
8. 可就算睁开了眼睛,我也觉得这种情况可能还会发生,一个晚上,就在这种恐惧中不能入睡,迷迷糊糊地等着天亮。
However, even I open eyes, such kind of circumstances may occur. At one night, I could not sleep because of the panic.
9. 生拉硬扯,过甚其词,令人难堪,言谈之间常见色迷迷的眼神。
Such comments are sometimes accompanied by leering looks.
10. 迷迷糊糊的度过童年之后,我便发觉自己日渐焦躁不安,我不知道这是为什么,可能是因为成长的缘故吧
Paste spent his childhood, I have felt increasingly restless and I do not know why.
11. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
11. 迷迷糊糊醒盹之时,却能够在耳聆听一阵阵鸟儿的呢喃,感受到鹁鸪鸣怒,绿杨风急妩媚。
In the indistinct or blurred mind, I would listen to a burst of a twittering of birds and feel their mood.
12. 迷迷糊糊醒盹之时,却能够在耳旁聆听一阵阵鸟儿的呢喃,感受到鹁鸪鸣怒,绿杨风急之妩媚。
At five o'clock in the morning I used to be in the dream in bedroom when it was at daybreak outside the window.
13. 圣经中的话很多都让人迷迷糊糊何况是这种古诗了,:-,我可不爱研究这个,宁可看看雅信通写的东东
I had never thought there are such sexy poems in the bible.
14. 你既然已经明白只要一开始追逐快感,就有痛苦相随,而你还是甘心如此,那倒也无妨,只要你不是迷迷糊糊地陷在里面就好。
So if you understand that where there is a search for pleasure there must be pain, live that way if you want to, but don't just slip into it.
15. 迷迷
15. 现在是周日上午11:21,我独自坐着,喝着我自己烧得热茶,我感觉暖暖和和,迷迷糊糊。
I'm sitting in my single and drinking some hot tea I just made for myself. I feel warm and fuzzy inside.
16. 巴莱尔:在我二年级的时候,我看到我们体育老师正在色迷迷的看着李威娜的妈妈。
Blair: In the second grade, I saw our gym teacher giving Laverne Glazer's mom the glad eye.
17. a%q0 一曲杨堤翠竹清流荡漾,至此八仙游江山势回环,漓江两岸情景交融,似牵情的诗话,不但让凡尘间人迷迷地追,也让天界的仙沉沉地醉,还让这自然中物痴痴地寻。
Yang Di Bamboo qingliu waves, bringing the Eight Immortals Jiangshan potential loop tour, Lijiang River scenes and the two sides, it may become excited in Poetry, not only for inter-Fan Chen who drifted to recover, let heaven cents lifeless ground drunk, but also so that the natural the material wait senselessly searching.
18. 我感到自己就像平时作梦那样迷迷糊糊地闯进了恶梦境地。
I felt as if I had stumble d into a nightmare country, as you sometimes do in dreams.
19. danci.911cha.com
19. 亲爱的,我们有什么事到底发生了什么疲惫希望能有放过故障爱好来想走路走马上可能马上马上不,我想睡觉,但想哭还是没有达成共识,即什么催泪需要一部分从来迷迷糊糊不仅是近视眼,但你发言的,不过是虚伪的。
Beloved we what's the matter with what actually happened fatigued want to have let go loving fault coming to want to walk walking right away possibly right away right away Be not that I want to sleep however want to cry or not having come to an agreement that what tear needing to part for never is blurred not only being that binoculus but you speak but is hypocritical.
20. 迷迷
20. 收回目光,扫视四周墙壁,全是老公的画,我一幅幅端详,远山、近水、云雾、树木、茅舍、溪流、飞瀑……我仿佛听到了风声、涛声、鸟鸣……看到了绿树、红花、蓝天、白云……闻到了花香和泥土的芬芳……此时无声胜有声,我在画中飘悠穿行……不知不觉,我迷迷糊糊睡着了,老公的推门声把我惊醒。
I seem to hear the sound of the wind, birds......