

迷魂阵[mí hún zhèn]





词典a scheme for confusing or bewildering sb.迷魂阵。


词典a scheme to bewitch sb.迷魂阵。

迷魂阵 汉英大词典

迷魂阵[mí hún zhèn]

a scheme for confusing or bewildering sb.; a scheme to bewitch sb.; decoy; maze; the charming company of beautiful women; trap:


    lay out a scheme to bewitch sb.; set a trap

迷魂阵 双语例句

1. 迷魂阵中钉螺的检出率为75.00%,平均每张1.21只。
    The rate of snails from another fishing tackle, trap net, was 75.00%, being 1.21 averagely per each net.

2. 迷魂阵的意思

2. 黑客相对比较容易掩盖真实身份,摆下迷魂阵破坏反黑行动。
    Hackers in comparison are easier concealing their real identity, Arrange scheme to sabotage anti hackers operation.

3. 迷魂阵

3. 政府的声明似乎是故意摆的迷魂阵
    The government's statement seems to be a deliberate exercise in mystification.

4. 是谁不负责任地告诉我从这儿开始,然后留我在指示不清的迷魂阵里?
    Who the hell carelessly told me to start here, and left me in this maze?

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 我离开长岛前就发觉她已开始对玛迪摆下迷魂阵了。
    Before I left Long Island I saw that she was beginning to lay her toils for Mattie.

6. 迷魂阵

6. 二千年来,迷魂阵村始终保留着原格局。
    The maze trap village has always kept the original pattern for2000 years.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 迷魂阵中钉螺的检出率为75.00%,平均每张1.21只。
    The rate of snails from another fishing tackle, trap net, was 75.00 %, being 1.21 averagely per each net.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 如果是钓鱼,半水钓就浮球吊着用,钓底就沉底使用;也可以用于挂网、丝网、拉网、罾网、迷魂阵、水地笼等鱼网鱼笼都可以使用,一般可以放在网底中央或者挂在网上或者放在网附近。
    If it is fishing, half-water fishing on the float hanging use, fishing at the end of the sink to the bottom using (luring the fish have a tether device the holes also be used for hanging nets, wire mesh, pull net, seine net, maze, water fish cages in the cage such as fishing nets can be used, generally can be placed at the end of the central network, or hang around on the Internet, or on the network.