

Go into the whys and wherefores of;
追根寻底 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 如果你的伴侣迟到,或你打电话想找ta而找不到时,你会追根寻底地问为什么么?
    Do you often question your partner if s/he's late than you expect, or not reachable when you want to reach him/her?

2. 追根寻底

2. 尽管导致美国社会毒品泛滥的原因复杂多样,但追根寻底,还是与美国的社会文化密切相关。
    Despite the proliferation of drugs in American society led to the complex and varied reasons, but the bottom trace, or with the United States is closely related to the socio-cultural.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 他求知若渴的进行学习,好追根寻底,有积极探求的进取精神。1988年3月13日,石棉县海子山突然发生山林火灾,为了扑灭山火,挽救山村,保护电视地面卫星接收站的安全,赖宁主动加入了扑火队伍,他不顾个人安危,在烈火中奋战四五个小时,献出了宝贵的生命。
    He was thirsty for knowledge of the learning, good Tracing Xundi have actively explored the spirit of progress.