词典court adjourned:[法] 休庭,退庭。
词典retirement from the the court:[法] 退庭。
词典withdraw court:[法] 退庭。
1. Court is dismissed:The court would like to thank the jury for its service in this difficult case.|法庭对陪审... | Court is dismissed.|退庭 | - About the reports of Yvonne's adultery-- - Shut up about her.|- 关于您和依枫的...
2. 退庭是什么意思
2. Clear the court:Charlie, I'm right here. Charlie, I'm right here.|查理,我就在这里 查理,我就在这里 | Clear the court.|退庭! | I wanna see counsel for both sides and the Timplemans...|我要见两边律师 和汀普曼夫妇
3. retire:death penalty死刑 | retire退庭 | guilty有罪的
4. 退庭的反义词
4. withdraw:私了 private settlement | 退庭 withdraw | 休庭 adjourned
1. 我以为他们的退庭是于你有利的。
I think their withdrawing is in your favour.
2. 退庭的反义词
2. 如果案件由陪审团审理,律师和法官退庭,就陪审团的裁决举行一个会议。
If the case is being heard by a jury, the attorneys and the judge then retire for a conference on jury instructions.
3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
3. 专家证人,你可以退庭了。
Expert witness, you may step down.
4. 我决不是这样的人,我认为这项禁止红肉的法律,为时尚早,如没有意外的话,它被否决了,退庭。
I find the law banning sale of red meat to be premature, if not capricious, and it is hereby overturned.
5. 分别为两位死者,退庭!
One for each of your victims. So be it!
6. 退庭的解释
6. 陪审团退庭对证据进行评判。
The jury retired to consider the evidence.
7. 我决不是这样的人,我认为这项禁止红肉的法律,为时尚早,如没有意外的话,它被否决了,退庭。
This judge is anything but! I find the law banning sale of red meat to be premature, if not capricious, and it is hereby overturned. Case adjourned!
8. 退庭的反义词
8. 分别为两位死者,退庭!
One for each of your victims.
9. 陪审团今天将退庭商议裁决结果。
The jury will retire to consider its verdict today.
10. 退庭
10. 合议庭评议阶段是指从裁判者退庭评议到宣判期间对案件进行讨论和作出决定的阶段。
The stage of deliberation of collegiate bench is the one during which the case is discussed and a decision is made after the court is adjourned.
11. 退庭什么意思
11. 第三人经合法传唤无正当理由拒不到庭,或者未经法庭许可中途退庭的,不影响案件的审理。
Should the third party, after being lawfully summoned, refuse to appear in court without due causes or retreat during court session without permission, the trial of the case shall not be affected therefor.
12. 这两名律师在去年的庭审中退庭,以抗议他们所说的司法干预。
During that trial, both lawyers walked out of the courtroom to protest what they said was judicial meddling.
13. 退庭的翻译
13. 陪审团意见不统一,希望退庭。
They were not agreed, and wished to retire.
14. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
14. 陪审团退庭以考虑如何裁断。
The jury retired from the courtroom to consider their verdict.