1. shi zhi:势用 shi yong | 适志 shi zhi | 守度 shou du
1. 适志的翻译
1. 自喻适志与!不知周也。俄然觉,则蘧蘧然周也。
He did not know that he had ever been anything but a butterfly and was content to hover from flower to flower.
2. 中国古代的优游槃乐、远游求道、周游适志,以及比德而游、逍遥而游、旷达风流之玄游等等形态,构成了中国传统旅游精神丰富的内核和理念,辉映出传统文化精神的深邃内涵。
In history, Chinese people traveled for different purposes, such as to enjoy the views, to relax, to achieve spiritual goals, and to widen one's vision, which constitutes and embodies rich traditional Chinese tourist spirit.