

适逢其会[shì féng qí huì]

词典be lucky enough to be there at the time适逢其会。


词典happen to be present on the occasion适逢其会。


词典come just at the right time适逢其会。

适逢其会 汉英大词典

适逢其会[shì féng qí huì]


be lucky enough to be there at the time; happen to be present on the occasion; come just at the right time

适逢其会 双语例句

1. 适逢其会

1. 我适逢其会地常常这样作而已。
    I There naturally might be some other people.

2. 他适逢其会看到了海市蜃楼。
    He happened to be present at the right moment and saw the mirage.

3. 在这方面,以匹兹堡作为会议地点适逢其会
    Pittsburgh was a perfect venue for this work.

4. 别埋怨生不逢时,珍惜自己正适逢其会吧。
    Do not complain about fate, but treasure your living.

5. 我以上所谈的属于我作为新移民之子的原始状态的激情,几乎可归于超逻辑的范畴。我希望融入亲历其境的世界,由于时空适逢其会,这个世界以绝对的形态呈现在眼前。
    I am talking here about the primitive, almost pre-logical compulsion I felt as a son of recent immigrants to merge myself with the world I saw around me, a world which, owing to accidents of place and time, took on an absolute aspect.

6. 适逢其会什么意思

6. 由马诗帆教授和叶彩燕教授的儿童双语研究中心,适逢其会,在风和日丽的今天,云集各方专家於吐露港的另一隅,展开学术上的交流。
    The Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre, directed by Virginia Yip and Stephen Matthews organized an academic Workshop at the right place at the right time.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. 窦 ,据《乾子》记载,是唐德宗至文宗时期活跃在长安的商人,经常被史家引以为适逢其会、富有经济头脑、成功商人的范例。
    Dou Yi was one of them, and he was often quoted by historians as an example of successful merchants, who always appeared at the right moment, and had economic mind.

8. 适逢其会

8. 但传统DEA模型忽略了环境因素和随机误差,易使测度结果出现一定的偏差;而DEA三阶段模型能够剔除环境因素和随机误差的影响,适逢其会地应用于本文中。
    The traditional DEA model ignores the environmental effects and statistical noises, therefore causing a certain deviation. However, the three-stage DEA model solves this problem and thus will be employed in this paper. 3.