

逞威[chěnɡ wēi]


逞威 双语例句

1. 有歌曰:断环掌法南北通,群山五岳逞威风,吾人参透其中道,双手抱环可防攻。
    As the song goes, Duanhuang Zhang sweeps across north and south, flaunting its superiority among the Wushu world.

2. 逞威

2. 这个不幸的人却心静如水或者在未来也会平静入睡。什么事情也无法让他发疯,恐惧也不会在中午逞威风,他躺在没有灯光的地上,白天无太阳晚上无月亮。
    He is at peace--this wretched man-- At peace, or will be soon: There is no thing to make him mad, Nor does Terror walk at noon, For the lampless Earth in which he lies Has neither Sun nor Moon.

3. 逞威的翻译

3. 他喜欢在下级员工面前逞威风。
    He likes to lord it over the junior staff.

4. 他从不对下属逞威风。
    He never lords it over his men.

5. 逞威

5. 它像恶徒一样在我们面前逞威风。
    It is like the same villains逞威风in front of us.

6. 它像恶徒一样在我们面前逞威风。
    Because of its success, great design is often invisible.

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7. 这个问题还处于重重争论之中,但你可以看到布朗大逞威风的样子──不过是电脑动画版。
    That is still very much in dispute, but you can watch Mr.

8. 福斯特。他对我很好,从不像对我逞威风,许多其他大男孩总是对比他们小的孩子称王称霸。
    He was kind to me and never lorded it over me the way so many older boys did with younger ones.

9. 奥,我的上帝,黑夜是撒旦逞威的时间,为什么会有黑夜呢?
    The darkness is at the control of Satan, why should darkness come?

10. 逞威的翻译

10. 虽然鬣狗有时候会在年轻的狮子或者单个雌狮面前逞威风,但他们对成年雄狮非常敬畏。
    Although hyenas may sometimes lord it over young lions or single lionesses, they show a good deal of respect for a full grown male lion.

11. 天宝年间,唐玄宗轻动干戈,逞威边远,而又几经失败,给人民带来深重的灾难。
      Tianbao years, Tang Xuanzong light dynamic war, Cheng Wei remote, and After the failure, to the people brought grave disaster.

12. 社会居然接受18岁孩子用大量财富来体现自己的地位,这一点固然令人沮丧,但这种方式并不比其他传统逞威风方式更有害。
      While it is depressing that vast riches are a socially acceptable status symbol for 18-year-olds, they are no worse than more traditional ways of lording it over others.

13. 逞威的解释

13. 部门主任在职员和打字员面前大逞威风。
      The section chief lorded it over the clerks and typists.

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14. 韩国郑在比赛进行到一个小时的时候在禁区里再次逞威差点得分,曾诚不得不踮起脚尖去将来自日本防守球员长落叶球拖出横梁
      Korea Republic`s Cho threatened again from inside the area two minutes before the hour mark before Zeng had to be on his toes to turn a dipping long range shot from defender Sota Nakazawa onto the crossbar.