

逢集[féng jí]

词典market day集市日;集日;逢集。

逢集 汉英大词典

逢集[féng jí]

market day

逢集 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 今天逢集,人比平时多一些,倒也熙熙攘攘的,使我想起好莱坞所拍的中东影片,如《碧血黄沙》中的阿拉伯小集市的场景。
    It happened a bazaar, there was more people than at ordinary time, and was crowded, and made me think of Middle East films of Hollywood, think of the Arab bazaar in the film of Blood Shed In a Just Cause and Yellow Sand

2. 传统庙会是集会贸易的一种形式,但比通常的逢集贸易规模大,商品多,多在麦收前农闲时举行,并有鲜明的季节特点。
    The material conditions of the temple fair, followed by religion is the cultural background.

3. 一天附近的镇子逢集
    One day a fair came to the nearby town.

4. 他家只有几分地,老婆在逢集时卖米豆腐。
    Only a fraction of his house, the wife in the sale of rice at every set tofu.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 这个镇每三天一个集,今天逢集
    An outdoor market is held every three days in this town, and today happens to be a market day.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 我们进村的那天正好逢集
    The day we arrived at the village happened to be market day.

7. 逢集在线翻译

7. 和盛镇市场繁荣、商贸发达,有占地43.4亩的综合批发市场1处,可容纳固定摊位400个,逢集日摆摊设点800个,年商品交易额可达3000万元,是宁县西区的经济贸易中心。
    Prosperity of the town market and Sheng, business development, and covers an area of 43.4 acres of an integrated wholesale market, a fixed pitch can accommodate 400 stalls set up on every set-point 800, the annual turnover of goods up to 3000 million, that is the County Western economic and trade center.

8. 逢集

8. 镇上每三天一个集,今天逢集
    A fair is held every three days in the town, and today happens to be a market day.