

逼供[bī gòng]

词典extort a confession逼供。

词典exact confession by means of torture逼供。

逼供 汉英大词典

逼供[bī gòng]

extort a confession (from); exact confession by means of torture

逼供 网络解释

1. extortive confession:extortive 逼取的 | extortive confession 逼供 | extra check 特别核查

2. 逼供在线翻译

2. third-degree:third-degree burn 严重灼伤 | third-degree 逼供 | third-party 第三方的

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. extortaconfession:extorsion 外旋 | extortaconfession 逼供 | extortextortion 敲诈

4. forced confession:26.胎教 fetal education | 27.逼供 forced confession | 28.抚恤金 comfort fund