

逾常[yú cháng]



词典out of the ordinary与众不同;不平常的,非凡的,例外的;逾常;非比寻常。

逾常 汉英大词典

逾常[yú cháng]

out of the ordinary; unusual

逾常 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 这段我试着翻了一下,有很多地方觉得别扭,希望大家多提意见。。。尽管降临自天国的狂喜至悦只能震慑稚龄人们的心魄,尽管令人溺惑痴狂以至难于析较的冶艳丽质在人过中年后已属百无一见,然而此种美妙情景却有如斑斑鹤发上的花冠,鲜活于记忆中,回味逾常
    For, though the celestial rapture falling out of heaven seizes only upon those of tender age, and although a beauty overpowering all analysis or comparison, and putting us quite beside ourselves, we can seldom see after thirty years, yet the remembrance of these visions outlasts all other remembrances, and is a wreath of flowers on the oldest brows.

2. 海滨逾常那家伙怎么说?
    What'd the Lido guy say?