

遁世隐居 双语例句

1. 遁世隐居什么意思

1. 虽然这些身形巨大而蜿蜒的生物总是过着遁世隐居的生活,但它们会为防止任何潜在的威胁波及这片大陆而做出努力。
    The great serpentine beasts were often reclusive, but they did much to safeguard the known lands from potential threats.

2. 他早已厌倦了那些复杂的人情世故,想要遁世隐居
    He is tired of the ways of the world and wants desperately to live the life of a hermit.

3. 白兰度遁世隐居,他偶尔为挣钱出来工作。
    Brando became reclusive. He worked occasionally for the money.

4. 遁世隐居的意思

4. 演艺生涯结束后他决定遁世隐居
    He decided to retire from the world after his busy life as an actor.

5. 第一章,通过司空图的生平经历和思想的介绍,指出司空图的一生始终怀抱济世的理想,苦于黑暗动乱的社会现实,他不得不遁世隐居,在仕与隐的夹缝中,形成其充满矛盾痛苦的思想和人生悲剧。
    By introducing Sikong Tu's life experiences and ideas, Chapter 1 presents that Sikong Tu's life has always been embraced by the idea that he wants to make contribution to bis people; Due to his painful and tragedy life, however, he has to live a dormant life for the ferment society.

6. 若非不断被来自眼耳口鼻和手指的招呼打断,心智最终会蜷入一隅遁世隐居
    Without the interruptions of hellos from the eye, ear, tongue, nose, and finger, the evolving mind huddles in the corner picking its navel.

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7. 为了逃避尘世的困扰,人们通常选择遁世,选择隐居。
    To escape earthly problems, people often choose a way of retiracy and lead a cloistered life.

8. 遁世隐居

8. 寒山子>你得知道他是一个对世间及城市感到厌恶因而遁世隐居于山间里的中国学者。
    Han Shan you see was a Chinese scholar who got sick of the big city and the world and took off to hide in the mountains.