

遂愿[suì yuàn]

词典have one's wish fulfilled终遂所愿;遂愿。

词典fulfill one's desire遂意;遂心;遂愿。

遂愿 汉英大词典

遂愿[suì yuàn]

have one's wish fulfilled; fulfill one's desire

遂愿 双语例句

1. 遂愿的翻译

1. 值此沐日到临之际,咱们要感激所有伴侣以及读者一年以来的撑持,这是咱们的事情朝气洋溢的样子、业绩如日方升的源泉没有您一直以来的撑持,咱们的事业不会走到这一天以是,英语salon的所有员工都想借此时机对于您说声感激,并致以咱们最诚挚的祝福祝您在新的一年里事业有结果、福祉欢愉,一切遂愿家人的英书契怎么写
    The holiday season is a wonderful time for us to thank all the friends and readers who make our jobs a pleasure and ensure our success all year long. Our business would not be possible without your continued support. So everyone here at English Salon would like to take thellos moment to say thank you and to send our best How to Write Business Greeting Cards adapted from Lisa Howard`s article originally printed on howtodothellongs. com wishes to you. May your new year be filled with all the success and happiness you deserve.

2. 在这方面,谷歌虽然没有完全遂愿,但至少获得了部分成功。
    In this it was at least partially successful, even if it did not get everything it wanted.

3. 遂愿

3. 世上只有两类悲剧,有些人总是不能遂愿,而有些人总是心想事成。
    In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not gettingwhat one wants and the other is getting it.

4. 世上只有两类悲剧,有些人总是不能遂愿,而有些人总是心想事成。
    One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.

5. 遂愿什么意思

5. 但这套司法制度的运作,最终能否遂愿,却往往出乎统治者的意料。
    However, to the rulers, the operation of the judicial system has always been unexpected.

6. 人们对社会问题关注的时间周期也同样短得令人震惊,大家希望听到的无非是增长速度将有多快,以及万事都是多么地遂愿
    And we have a shockingly short horizon about social problems, where all we want to hear is how rapid the growth will be and how good everything is.

7. 遂愿的近义词

7. 人的思想不仅能够推想、推测和理解,也能够觉醒、遂愿、启迪和激励。
    The mind will not only deduce, speculate, and comprehend, but it will also awaken, will, enlighten and inspire.

8. 遂愿在线翻译

8. 生活中只有两种悲剧:一个是没有得到我们想要的,另外一个是得到我们想要的。&世上只有两类悲剧,有些人总是不能遂愿,而有些人总是心想事成。
    There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.

9. 生日最叫人高兴的是,在于总有机会,对像您这样好的人,祝愿万事遂愿
    The nicest part of birthdays is the chance they always bring to wish somebody nice-like you-the best of everything!

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. 学习环境胜古代,刻苦成才人遂愿
    Learning environment wins the ancient and hard-talent people Sui Yuan.

11. 遂愿的解释

11. 戴维女士称,她已多次尝试开存款账户,但是由于没有证明身份的文件,一直无法遂愿
      Ms. Devi says she has made many attempts to open a bank account in which to store her money. But she has not been able to do so because she does not have any identification documents.

12. 质量交换规律和以质遂愿规范
      Quality Exchange Law and Standard to One's Liking with Quality