

遗习 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 借助相关史料,运用文化人类学理论对巴蜀地区民族发源与形成以及移民活动与武术之间的关系进行了探讨,研究结果认为巴蜀民族自古就有着浓厚的武风遗习,历史上重大移民活动对于巴蜀武术的拳种形成时代、地理分布和技法特。
    This paper is to study the relation between immigrant and Wushu depend on the theory of culture anthropology. It is found that the immigrant is an important factor to the times of Wushu, distribution of geography, and technical character.

2. 遗习的解释

2. 来的人、物、风俗、信仰等;遗老;遗习;旧风俗;旧思想
    Do you know the custom of raising one`s hat to a lady is derived from an old practice?