

邪行[xié xíng]


词典evil deeds邪行。

邪行 汉英大词典

邪行[xié xíng]

evil deeds

邪行 网络解释

1. kupannata:kumararaja 太子 | kupannata 邪行 | kupita 嗔

2. miccha-patipatti:metta 慈 | miccha-patipatti) 邪行 | middha 睡眠

3. mistaken behavior:mistaken attachment 迷执 | mistaken behavior 邪行 | mistaken 邪

4. 邪行是什么意思

4. kamesu micchacara:淫欲 abrahmacariya | 邪行 kamesu micchacara | 妄语 musa vada

邪行 双语例句

1. 邪行在线翻译

1. 本病主要病机在于热、痰、瘀,辨证多属于气血壅滞或痰瘀蕴结型,因而主要选取耳垂、大椎、心俞,采用叩刺放血之法以泻热邪行瘀滞,再配合常规体针的辨证施针和耳穴埋压的辅助治法,收到了显著的效果。
    Acupuncture and auricular tapping are also used according to the differentiation of syndromes at the same time.

2. 「你晓谕以色列人说:人的妻若有邪行,得罪他丈夫
    Speak to the people of Israel, If any man's wife goes astray and breaks faith with him

3. 5:12 你晓谕以色列人说,人的妻若有邪行,得罪她丈夫
    Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him

4. 邪行

4. 5:12 你晓谕以色列人说,人的妻若有邪行,得罪她丈夫
    Eak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man's wife go aside, and commit a trea agait him

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 诗人在诗篇第卅六篇中以优美辞藻说明耶和华的仁慈,并将祂的仁慈和恶人的邪行作一尖锐的对比。
    In Psalm 36 the Lord's gracious lovingkindness is beautifully expressed and stands in sharp contrast to the evils of the wicked.

6. 邪行的解释

6. 既然所有的教会都斥责私人邪行,伪君子和伪善者,难道公众能够被去投票选他吗?
    Could the public be to vote for him with all the churches fulminating against private immorality, hypocrites, and whited sepulchers?

7. 既然所有的教会都斥责私人邪行、伪君子和伪善者,难道公众能够被诱哄去投票选他吗?
    Could the public be induced to vote for him with all the churches fulminating against private immorality, hypocrites, and whited sepulchers?

8. 又求你平息我的偏情之火,因我确是卑微可怜。请解救我脱离众多邪恶烦恼的记忆和幻梦,释放我于一切邪行;因你当受称颂于万代,你的至尊之名当受荣赞,世世无尽。
    And quench the flame of my passions, for I am poor and wretched, and deliver me from my many cruel memories and deeds, and free me from all their bad effects; for blessed art thou by all generations, and glorified is thy most honorable name to the ages of ages.

9. 那才透着邪行呢!
    That would really be too much!

10. 邪行什么意思

10. 你的母亲用她那邪行的浊酒淹没了世界,她罪恶的叫嚷甚至传进了上帝的耳朵。
    Hath filled the earth with the wine of her iniquities, and the cry of hersinning hath come up even to the ears of God.