

郭公[guō gōng]


郭公 汉英大词典

郭公[guō gōng]


(杜鹃; 布谷鸟) cuckoo

郭公 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 规划用地范围为以郭公庄车站为中心,半径500—1000米所覆盖的区域,规划范围的边界北至规划六圈路,南至规划郭公庄南路,东至郭公庄路,西至丰葆路,规划用地面积约161.8公顷。
    The scope of the surrounding land under planning is the region centered on Guogongzhuang Station, within a radius of 500-1000 meters, with boundaries south to planed South Guogongzhuang Road, east to Guogongzhuang Road, and west to Fengbaolu Road, and including 161.8 hectares of planning land.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 路荫南、侯子安、欧阳南荪、刘梦笔、杨梦九、哈维元、倪宗鲁、陈亨祺、张启后、韩本贵等书画先贤,揭开了宿州书画繁荣时期的序幕;现、当代,特别是新中国建立之后,宿州书画活动趋于频繁、书画社团林立、书画教育进一步普及,书画队伍庞大,并且诞生了王子云、刘开渠、王肇民、朱德群等饮誉世界的大师级人物,涌现出了萧龙士、梅雪峰、梅纯一、李百忍、陈云程等书画大家,加之遍布全国各地的诸如张传楷、张良勋、尉天池、陈传席、欧阳龙、吴燃、卓然、郭公达、张伯义、朱秀坤、王蒙、陈濂波等宿州籍书画名家,和活跃在宿州当地、在国内有一定影响的的郑正、阎梓昭、薛志耘、孟繁青、赵琦、孙淮滨、杨剑华、陈光林、赵松岩等老中青三代书坛画苑名流,使得宿州书画的艺苑星空,光华四射,璀璨耀眼!
    Yam Road South, Hou security, Ouyang Southern sun, LIU Meng pens, YANG Meng 9, Harvey yuan, and, Lu, Chen Hung-chi, Zhang Qi, Korea, the expensive paintings Xianxian, opened a period of prosperity in Suzhou paintings prelude; Now, contemporary, especially after the establishment of new China, Suzhou more frequent painting activities, painting and calligraphy society creates paintings further popularize education, painting huge contingent, and the birth of Wang, Qu Liu, Wang Zhaomin, Zhu Dequn, known the world and world figures have shown a Longshi disabilities, Xue-Feng Mei, Chun-Mei, Li Bai Ren, Chen Yun Cheng, painting everyone, In addition throughout all parts of the country, such as Zhang Chuan-kai, Chang-hoon, Tianchi Wei, Chen Chuan - I, OU, Miss Burning, Zoran, GUO Gong-up, Zhangbaixi, Zhu Kun, Wang Meng, Chen Lian Ji - Suzhou, famous paintings, and active in the local Suzhou in the country would certainly be affected Cheng is, zhao Zi, Xue Yun, Yali, Zhao Qi, Sun Huaibin, Yang Hua, Guanglin, Diaosongyan These cadres and the three generations of altar Huayuan celebrities, Suzhou makes the musical stars of paintings, full of Sinorama, splendid dazzling!

3. 本论文围绕着柏肤小蠹的聚集信息素;温度对柏肤小蠹生长发育、存活及繁殖的影响;异色郭公虫对柏肤小蠹的捕食作用;柏肤小蠹的空间格局和防治等方面进行了研究。
    This paper studiedaggregation pheromone of the pest; the effect of temperature on thedevelopment, survive and propagation of Phloeosinus aubei; predation ofTillus notatus adult on Pholeosinus aubei; spatial distribution pattern and itscontrol.

4. 本文论述了23科,即虎甲科、步甲科、牙甲秒、隐翅虫科、龙虱科、叩头虫科、葬甲科、阎甲科、陷附郭公虫科、吉丁虫科、谷盗科、露尾甲科、方头甲科、扁甲科、锯谷盗科、小覃甲科、薪甲科、蛛甲科、长蠹科、窃蠹科、粉蠹科、拟步甲科、芫菁科共87种。
    In this paper, twenty_three families are discussed that is Cicindelidae, Carabidae, Hydrophilidae, Staphylinidae, Dytiscidae, Elateridae, Silphidae, Histeridae, Corynetidae, Buprestidae, Ostomatidae, Nitidulidae, Cybocephalidae, Catogenidae, Sivanidae, Mycetophagidae, Lathridiidae, Ptinidae, Bostrychidae, Anobiidae, Lyctidae, Tenebrionidae, Meloidae, totally eighty_seven species.