

酒色之徒[jiǔ sè zhī tú]

词典a man of wine and women -- debauchee酒色之徒。


词典to be a weakling and a dandy酒色之徒。



酒色之徒 汉英大词典

酒色之徒[jiǔ sè zhī tú]

a man of wine and women -- debauchee; to be a weakling and a dandy

酒色之徒 网络解释

1. 酒色之徒

1. voluptuary:voluptuary 耽于酒色的 | voluptuary 酒色之徒 | voluptuously 挑拨地

酒色之徒 双语例句

1. 浆果者是喜好酒色之徒,其形态介于人与兽之间。
    The bacchae are satyrlike, caught in mid-transformation between man and beast.

2. 他是一个酒色之徒
    He's a debauchee.

3. 酒色之徒是什么意思

3. 一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中。
    An adventurous voluptuary, angling in all streams for variety of pleasures.

4. 一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中
    An adventurous voluptuary, angling in all streams for variety of pleasuresThomas De Quincey

5. 一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中
    An adventurous voluptuary, angl in g in all streams for variety of pleasuresbThomas De Qu in cey

6. 一个冒险的酒色之徒,涉猎于各种享乐之中
    On the other hand, highly trained people are of ten wasted because of poor organization.

7. 谁都看得出他只是个酒色之徒,不可信赖。
    Anyone can see that he is nothing but a Roue and not to be trusted.

8. 若您去了,国民认为你是酒色之徒
    If you go, the people will deem you to be a pawn.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 她已经将他从一个酒色之徒变成了一个忠诚的丈夫和慈爱的父亲。
    She had transformed him from being a hard-drinking womaniser into a devoted husband and father.