

酣战[hān zhàn]

词典be engaged in a fierce battle酣战。

词典fierce battle激战;恶战;酣战。

词典hard-fought battle酣战。

酣战 汉英大词典

酣战[hān zhàn]


be engaged in a fierce battle; fierce battle; hard-fought battle:


    two armies locked in fierce battle

酣战 网络解释

1. 酣战是什么意思

1. pitched battle:酣睡/treasle sleep | 酣战/pitched battle | 含糊的回答/dusty answer

2. heavy fighting:rebels,wounded,killed,casualties伤亡 | heavy fighting酣战 | genocide种族灭绝

酣战 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 公元892年,在经过一场酣战完胜Morary的Maelbrigte和他的军队之后,Sigurd砍下了对手的脑袋,并把头作为战利品挂在马鞍上。
    Following a fever-pitched victory in A. D. 892 against Maelbrigte of Moray and his army, Sigurd decapitated Maelbrigte and stuck his opponent's head on his saddle as a trophy.

2. 经过70分钟的酣战,AB两队双方均无建树,终场以0比0握手言和,各积一分。
    Neither Team A nor B goaled after 70 minutes fight. They accumulated one point respectively.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 22:46 赵庙处赵军与宋齐军酣战,楚燕来的人并不多。
    46 Jun Zhao Temple Department and Qi Jun Song pitched battle, to楚燕, not many people.

4. 酣战在线翻译

4. 我不愿意回答那些问题,像什么`是酣战吗?
    I don`t like dealing with the questions. Like, `Was it hot?

5. 酣战

5. 他带领湖人闯入 NBA 的决赛,在6场酣战中败给了波斯顿凯尔特人。
    He led the Lakers to the NBA Finals, where they lost in six games to the Boston Celtics.

6. 他们当时正在酣战
    They were in the thick of the fight.

7. 酣战

7. 但是的皇帝和军队正在小亚酣战
    The emperor was then with the army in Asia Minor.

8. 酣战

8. 我们那时正在酣战
    We were in the thick of the fight.

9. 犹太人为抵抗敌人的武器,自己也制造了利器,双方酣战多日。
    The Jews countered by setting up machines of their own, and kept up the fight a long time.

10. 酣战的翻译

10. 犹太人为抵抗敌人武器,自己也制造了利器,双方酣战多日。
    And they also made engines against their engines, and they fought for many days.

11. 好友相聚把酒言欢,思念故乡则举杯邀月;酣战之时当以烈酒解渴,攻克城池定是痛饮三日;四面楚歌亦是长饮悲歌,壮士赴义必碗酒送别;得意之时定醉酒当歌,惆怅之时亦借酒浇愁。
      Huan made friends together wine, miss home, on the invitation of the toast; pitched battle to the time when the spirits to quench their thirst, to capture city is set on the 3rd swig; besieged on all sides is a long drink Elegy, Monty will bowl of wine to bid farewell to justice; proud when the will be drunk when the song is also a heavy drinker at the time of melancholy.

12. 酣战在线翻译

12. 查尔②、鲁士图牟③听随他们酣战
      Let Zál and Rustum bluster as they will

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. 现在它们有了巨大的身材;他仿佛看见在他自己心里,在我们先前提到的那种广漠辽阔的天地里,在黑暗和微光中,有一个女神和一个女魔,正在酣战
      They had now attained colossal statures, and it seemed to him that he beheld within himself, in that infinity of which we were recently speaking, in the midst of the darkness and the lights, a goddess and a giant contending.

14. 前天下午5时45分,正在网络中酣战的张先生发现45级的账号已被人盗走。
      The day before yesterday afternoon 5 when 45 minutes, the Zhang number that discovering 45 class in Mr Zhang of the hard-fought war in the network already was gone by person pilfer.

15. danci.911chaxun.com

15. 昨日凌晨4时许,正在网吧酣战的小江突然眼前一黑,什么也看不到了,朋友慌忙将其送至医院。
      Yesterday before dawn 4 when make, the Xiaojiang of Internet bar hard-fought war is abrupt at the moment one black, whats cannot see, the friend sends his to the hospital hurriedly.

16. 主导游戏产业的MMORPG领域内,盛大、网易、金山等网游巨头逐年抬高研发投入,客户端已经成为行业内大公司的酣战之地。
      Inside the MMORPG domain of dominant game industry, research and development of drive up of year after year of You Ju head throws the net such as royal, Netease, golden hill, the client carries the land that has made the hard-fought war of big company inside the industry.