



词典a jar making and reserving sauce,pickles,etc.

酱缸 双语例句

1. 酱缸

1. 在七夕那天,各个家庭都摆着麦煎饼和今年第一次收获的水果,女人们在酱缸台上摆着井华水祈求家人长寿,祈求家庭平安无事。
    In seven evening that day, each family suspends the fruit which the wheat fried cake and this year first time harvests, the women is suspending well Hua Shui on the pickle jar stage to implore the family member longevity, the hope family is well.

2. 酱缸什么意思

2. 绍兴酱缸文化的悠久历史积淀和清代晚期以后跨世纪张扬,最终使得l9世纪以来天下酱业无人不说绍,九州之内司厨主中馈者鲜有不知绍兴者。
    Owing to the centuries—old historical accumulation of the culture of soy sauce vat in Shao Xing and wide know beyond the century after the Rate of Qing dynasty, these make nobody that does not say Shao Xing~soy sauce among the soy sauce industry since 19 century and nobody that does not know Shan Xing~soy sauce among kitcheners all over the country.

3. 酱缸是什么意思

3. 盛入酱钵或酱缸,罩上防蝇罩出晒10~20天左右,就成为优质豆瓣酱。
    Super Bowl or vat of butter, cover the sun cast Fangying 10~20 days around, as quality Doubanjiang.

4. 酱缸可以说是贮藏韩国风味的宝库。
    It can be said that soy is a Korean-style storage of the treasure-house.

5. 延续了数千年的韩国酱,放在酱缸里,味道越来越浓郁。
    Continued for thousands of South Korean sauce, soy on, more and more rich flavor.

6. 酱缸的翻译

6. 四年前,谷歌纵身一跃,跳进这个酱缸,却忘了捎上自己的准则。
    Google jumped into this jar four years ago but forgot to bring their principles with them.

7. 我们不只是座熔炉,文化的大酱缸,更该像是美丽的马赛克。
    We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic.

8. 此后,谷歌发现,这酱缸甚至比他们预想的还令人受不了。
    Some time later, they found the pickle jar even less pleasant than they had expected.

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9. 传统酱缸工艺生产的产品有酱油、食醋、酱、腐乳等调味品。
    The traditional condiments such as soy sauce, vinegars paste and sufu are produced and aged in jar.