1. 我们来时这里只剩下五十棵红桉树还活着,排水渠附近的土地全部盐碱化,人和牲畜也没有多少遮挡酷日的荫凉。
We had 50 living red gums on the farm, salt affected areas in the drainage lines and not much shelter for stock or for humans.
2. 想象一下你在走在白花花的酷日底下,你会想到吃什么?
Imageing you walk on the street under the shining sun, which would you like to have?
3. 视觉效果,我们想要更准确地产生的照明条件的一个热门中午夏季游戏,一个梦幻下午,或甚至一个非常酷日深夜同我们的新照明模型技术。
Visually, we wanted to make sure to more accurately produce the lighting conditions of a hot noon summer game, a dreamy afternoon, or even a cool August night with our new lighting model technology.
4. 这时,我认识了我的初恋女友,度过了我这一生都难以忘怀的日子,虽然时间不长,但她在我的心里就象撒下了一片沃土之后长出了一棵参天大树,我的心就在这棵树阴下躲避酷日严寒,慢慢的成熟起来。
At this time, I know my girlfriend's first love, has spent the unforgettable days of my life, although not long ago, But in my mind, as she planted the tree will look like a big piece of fertile land after the conference. Trial of my heart on the classic dodge cool under cold day, gradually mature.
5. 世尊说寒风必然刺骨,酷日令人燥热,用手扳头发,当然会头疼,生病就会全身不舒服。
Buddha made the most detailed and thorough statement about it in his speech of causality.
6. 目击叶尖上尚未褪色的焦黄,枝茎上尚未抖落的尘埃,我依稀还能看见酷日的煎熬和骤风的暴戾。
I can still find in the yellow tinge6 of its leaf-tips the imprint of a scorching7 sun, and in the dust on its stalks8 the impact of sudden gusts of wind.
7. 酷日的反义词
7. 在盛夏三伏天,酷日当空,暑气逼人的时候,饮上一杯清凉铁观音或是一杯热铁观音,都会感到身心凉爽,生津解暑。
In the summer, cool, contributes ShuQi, threatening, drink a cup of cool and refreshing tieguanyin or a cup of hot tieguanyin, will feel cool, or good body.
8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
8. 在盛夏三伏天,酷日当空,暑气逼人的时候,饮上一杯清凉铁观音或是一杯热铁观音,都会感到身心凉爽,生津解暑。
In the summer dog days, cool day when the air, heat pressing time, a glass of cool drink or a glass of hot iron Iron Goddess of Mercy Kuan Yin, body and mind will feel cool, Sheng Jin Jieshu.
9. 酷日的意思
9. 这个营救行动是在黑夜的掩护下展开的。一来夜晚行人较少,不会有人干预这次冒险的营救行动,二来也能避免大象受到白天酷日的灼晒。
The mission took place under the cover of darkness, as fewer people would be around for the dangerous rescue and the animal could be protected from the searing heat of the sun.
10. 酷日当空。
The hot sun is high in sky.