

酷爱[kù ài]

词典ardently love热爱;酷爱。

词典be very fond of津津有味;酷爱;珍爱;疼爱。

词典revel in狂欢。


词典wrapped up in酷爱。

酷爱 汉英大词典

酷爱[kù ài]

ardently love; be very fond of:


    be enthusiastically fond of angling;

    对 ... 的酷爱

    an intense fondness for;


    He has a strong love of learning.

酷爱 网络解释

1. 酷爱的翻译

1. go in for:go up上涨 | go in for 酷爱 | go over 走过去,温习

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. wrapped up in:wrappage 包裹物 | wrapped up in 酷爱 | wrapped 有包装的

3. revel in v:1. altruistic adj.利他的, 无私心的 | 2. revel in v.得意于, 着迷, 酷爱, 纵情于 | 3. angst n.焦虑, 担心

4. revel in:resist the temptation 抵挡诱惑 | revel in 着迷,酷爱,纵情于,沉迷于 | self-discipline n .自律,自我约束