

Cool penalty;
酷罚 双语例句

1. 如果你以后仍是这样对待我,那你不久将受着我的烦恼了。自从我上次见着你,我所受的痛苦,诚非笔墨所能形容。我敢断言,就是严刑酷罚对于我也要比你口中那些尖刻的、叫人伤心的言语轻松些!
    If you continue to treat me as you do, you will not be made uneasy by me long It is impossible to describe what I have suffered since I saw you lest, I am sure I could have borne the rack much better than those killing, killing words of yours.

2. 酷罚

2. 阿难!过去,有一位名叫『顶生』的聪明转轮王,他拥有大军,也拥有轮宝、象宝、马宝、宝物、女宝、居士宝、主兵臣宝等七宝,又有著上千位勇猛的儿子,自在地统治著一大片延伸到大海的广大领土,而且懂得以王政而不以武力酷罚治国,百姓生活得十分富裕安乐。
    After King Mrdhagata conquered the rich continent of Uttarakura located in north of the country, a long time passed. One day, he contemplated: Popular legend indicates that there is a thirty-three heaven located in the Heavenly Realm, since I conquered the four continents in the Human Realm, I would like to take a look in the thirty-three heaven.

3. 而中国历来是一个严刑酷罚的国家,特别对死刑极为重视。
    China has always been a severe penalty of cool country, attached great importance to the Special on the death penalty.

4. 酷罚是什么意思

4. 反对重刑酷罚,主张并实践刑罚人道主义等。
    He objected to severe punishment and thought that criminal penalty should be accoding to humanitarianism.