



醉翁亭 双语例句

1. 醉翁亭在线翻译

1. 中国南方菜肴的精致在青石板、红漆雕的映衬下更显内蕴,华膳中餐厅六间装修华丽的包房分别以中国六大名亭爱晚亭、沧浪亭、湖心亭、琵琶亭、醉翁亭、陶然亭命名,最大可容纳40位宾客。
    Tradition…six spacious private rooms in traditional Chinese architectural style that named by renowned Chinese pavilions. Bluestone floor tiles, a red lacquered folding screen and red lanterns exude elegance underline traditional Chinese culture.

2. 醉翁亭的解释

2. 《醉翁亭记》、《岳阳楼记》、《爱莲说》广为传诵,既是旅游休闲名篇,又是历史文化的美味佳肴。
    " Account of Inebriate Pavilion ", " Account of Yueyang Building " and " A Tale of Lotus Lover " were widely read as masterpieces for tourism and leisure, and for history and culture.

3. 环滁皆山也。(欧阳修《醉翁亭记》)
    Chuzhou is surrounded by mountains.

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4. 也有另一种说法,即安徽滁州的醉翁亭、杭州西湖的湖心亭、北京的陶然亭和湖南长沙的爱晚亭。
    There is another argument that the Ong Ting Chuzhou in Anhui, Hangzhou West Lake湖心亭, Beijing, Changsha, Hunan陶然亭and love of night kiosk.

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5. 我厂位于风景秀丽的琅琊山下,醉翁亭旁,滁州市经济技术开发区内,属南京都市圈之列,东距南京50公里,南距京沪高速铁路滁州站1公里,距合肥市120公里,距芜湖港口110公里,地理位置优越,交通便捷,是一家专业从事电子产品加工并快速成长的充满朝气的中外合资高新技术企业。
    Our factory is located in the scenic Langyashan, the Ong Ting beside Chuzhou City Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanjing is the list of metropolitan area, 50 kilometers east of Nanjing, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway north Chuzhou Station 1 km, from the Hefei 120 kilometers, 110 kilometers away from the Wuhu port and strategic location, convenient traffic, is a professional engaged in electronic product processing and dynamic fast-growing high-tech enterprise of Sino-foreign joint ventures.

6. 醉翁亭 在稻香村后面这是总店,徽菜口味。
    Zui Ong booths in the village behind this is Daoxiang headquarters, Huicai tastes.

7. 山势回环,道路弯转,有一个亭子四角翘起像鸟张开翅膀一样座落在泉水边的,是醉翁亭啊。
    The road winds through the mountain, and there is a Pavilion above the fountain——the old tipsy man's Pavilion.

8. 在诸多名胜古迹之中,最为游人向往的地方,首推醉翁亭
    Of the many places of cultural interest here, the one that holds out the greatest attractions to sightseers is without doubt the Pavilion of the Old Drunkard.

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9. 《醉翁亭记》、《岳阳楼记》、《爱莲说》广为传诵,既是旅游休闲名篇,又是历史文化的美味佳肴。
    " Account of Inebriate Pavilion "," Account of Yueyang Building " and " A Tale of Lotus Lover " were widely read as masterpieces for tourism and leisure, and for history and culture.