

释门[shì mén]


释门 汉英大词典

释门[shì mén]


释门 双语例句

1. 讲经文、因缘、变文等说唱类作品,利用自身的优点招徕听众,而其讲唱中所宣扬的佛教的苦空无常、生死轮回、因果报应等思想,以及奉劝人们念佛信教,皈依释门等说教,通过俗讲、转变、说因缘等形式传输给人们。
    Jiangjingwen, Yinyuan, Bianwen and so on the article, uses own merit to solicit the audience, and its lecture Buddhisms pain which sings publicizes spatial is variable, thought and so on life and death samsara, retributive justice, as well as advises politely the people to pray to Buddha to be religious, is converted Buddist, is rigid the orizing and so on correct choice, through vulgarly cause form transmission and so on speaks, the transformation, said, gives the people.