


词典village junior officer in feudalist society里正。

里正 双语例句

1. 沉默。他的眼睛睁大了一些,看得出脑子里正寻找借口。
    His eyes widen slightly and I can see his brain searching to find an excuse.

2. 不过,我向你们保证,我不是眼不见为净,不是不知道我的身体里正发生着什么事。
    And I assure you I am not indenial.

3. 里正

3. 目亲地球正响应这正在发生的点燃而她也同样点燃而她的情感身体里和她的精神身体里正变得非常乐观,因为事实她已经长期的等待了许多年代,提升过程数千年以前已启动。
    Mother Earth is responding to this lighting up that is occurring and she is lighting up also and becoming very optimistic in her emotional body and in her mental body, for she has been waiting many long years as the ascension process started thousands of years ago in actual fact.

4. 里正的翻译

4. 家长们对收音机里正播放着的摇滚音乐没什么兴趣。
    The parents had no interest in the bubblegum music that was played on the radio.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 烤箱里正烤着牛肉。
    The beef is roasting in the oven.

6. 韩梅的爷爷奶奶在家里正期待着见到他们。
    Han Mei's grandparnts are looking forward to seeing them at home.

7. 里正什么意思

7. 药吊子里正熬着中药。
    Herbal medicines are boiling in the medicine pot.

8. 近日,在沙溪镇濠涌小学的会议室里正进行着一次特殊的会议,这次会议得到旅美华侨方秉权先生和他的太太甘爱玲女士的帮助,与美国加州圣荷西华盛顿小学进行视频会议。
    Washington Elementary School in San Jose, California via video conference using Skype. During the talk, Principal Evans, from Washington Elementary, reached a cooperative agreement with Mr.

9. 里正的近义词

9. 机器人在发达国家的工厂里正变得日益普遍。
    The robots are more and more used in hte factorise of developed countries.

10. 里正的近义词

10. 我就在想,此时此刻,也许城市里的孩子还在妈妈的呼唤中钻出暖暖的被窝,洗漱间里正准备好挤好的牙膏、牙刷,还有温度适中的洗脸水,手提书包的父亲先准备好送子女上学的交通工具。
    At that time, the mothers in the city, I thought, were trying to get their children up now. In the washing room, toothpaste, toothbrush and warm water were ready. The fathers with the schoolbag in their hands were getting the cars ready for sending their children to school.

11. 里正是什么意思

11. 她头发是黑的,身材丰满而有活力,套在牛仔裤里正合适。
      Her hair was black, and her body was full and warm, filling out the jeans just about right.

12. 里正

12. 他在厨房里正烧着一锅开水。
      He had a big pot of water boiling in the kitchen.

13. 风和水的眼眸里正上演着一帘幽梦。
      Wind and water, are being acted of a curtain of hazy dream in the eyes.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. 水确实烧开了,壶里正冒着一缕状似羽毛的热气。
      On the boil sure enough: a plume of steam from the spout.

15. 里正的近义词

15. 谷物与蔬菜中重金属含量的高低与距离污染源的远近里正相关。
      Heavy metal contents in grain crops & vegetables were related to their distances from the pollution sources.

16. 她放下叉子,邻座的录音机里正传来吉他的伴奏。
      She set down her fork and listened to the guitar accompaniment coming from the tape deck at the next table.

17. 里正是什么意思

17. 一天他在起居室里正读书,我哥哥和我决定,我们可以玩篮球,只要不把任何东西撞坏就行。
      One day when he was reading in the living room, my brother and I decided that we could play basketball without breaking anything.

18. 你破碎的心,在受伤的世界里正流泄着生命力。
      Your battered heart, bleeding life in the universe of wounds.

19. 而在靠近河口的地方,在树林里正燃着一堆篝火,同时,在岸线上的小拐角与大海之间,他们的一只划于在来回往返,上面的那些人,上午我见他们还是脸色阴沉的样子,这会儿却高兴得像个孩子似的大吵大叫。
      Away, near the mouth of the river, a great fire was glowing among the trees, and between that point and the ship one of the gigs kept coming and going, the men, whom I had seen so gloomy, shouting at the oars like children.

20. 当天有4条江豚死去,还有一头江豚肚子里正怀着胎儿。
      On that day, four porpoises were found dead, one of which was even pregnant with a baby.