


Chongyang cake重阳糕。

重阳糕 网络解释

1. Chongyang Cake:青团 Green Dumplings | 重阳糕 Chongyang Cake | 松花黄尚 Huangshang with Pollen Pini

重阳糕 双语例句

1. 重阳糕一般都做得很精致,有的还嵌入了蜜饯、枣脯,愈发可口。
    Some were embedded with preserves and jujube`s fruits, more delicious to the taste.

2. 重阳糕又称花糕、菊糕、五色糕,制无定法,较为随意。
    The height people will reach is usually a mountain or a tower.

3. 和登高相联系的有吃重阳糕的风俗。
    And the associated high Chongyang have to eat cake custom.

4. 重阳糕

4. 这也就是后世民间在重阳节,以重阳糕荐神祭祖的秋祭习俗渊源。
    That is why Chongyang Cake is recommended for offering sacrifices to ancestors on the day of Chongyang Festival.

5. 有许多不同口味的重阳糕,包括水果味、咖啡味和巧克力味的。
    There are many different kinds of chongyanggao, including fruit, coffee and chocolate.

6. 有人说,重阳糕就曾经是当年发给三军士兵的一种干粮。
    It is said that the Double-Ninth cakes were supplied to the armies as army provisions.

7. 重阳糕的近义词

7. 和登高相联系的有吃重阳糕的风俗。
    Associated with hiking to high places is eating the Chong Yang pastry.

8. 逢年过节,家家户户都会做各种地方风味浓郁的小吃,十五羹、清明青团、四月初八乌饭麻糍、六月六漾糕、九月九重阳糕、冬至滚圆等等,一年一年,就在这样的酸甜苦辣的滋味中度过。
    At holidays, each and every family can make each kind of regional cuisine rich snack, 15 thick soup, the Pure Brightness blue group, in April eighth day Wu Fanma the fried ricecake, in June six ripple the cake, in the September nine double-ninth cakes, the winter solstice perfect

9. 重阳糕

9. 逢年过节,家家户户都会做各种地方风味浓郁的小吃,十五羹、清明青团、四月初八乌饭麻糍、六月六漾糕、九月九重阳糕、冬至滚圆等等,一年一年,就在这样的酸甜苦辣的滋味中度过。
    At holidays, each and every family can make each kind of regional cuisine rich snack, 15 thick soup, the Pure Brightness blue group, in April eighth day Wu Fanma the fried ricecake, in June six ripple the cake, in the September nine double-ninth cakes, the winter solstice perfectly round and so on, year years, passed in such good and bad in life taste.

10. 重阳糕一般都做得很精致,有的还嵌入了蜜饯、枣脯,愈发可口。
    Some were embedded with preserves and jujube's fruits, more delicious to the taste.

11. 重阳糕的意思

11. 登高:在重阳节时,人们通常要登高,赏菊花,喝菊花酒,吃重阳糕
      Climbing mountains: On the Double Ninth Festival, people customarily Climb Mountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes.

12. 重阳糕在线翻译

12. 重阳糕又名“菊花糕”或“花糕”重阳糕的历史可追溯到周朝。
      The Double Ninth cake is also known as " chrysanthemum cake " or " flower cake ".

13. 重阳糕的解释

13. 这一天人们吃“重阳糕”。
      On the day, people eat Double Ninth Cake.

14. 在这一天,人们还有吃重阳糕的习俗。贴门神、门神是中国民间过春节的一个重要习俗。
      On the Double Ninth Festival, people will eat Double Ninth Gao (or Cake). Putting up door gods, or changing door gods, is an important custom among the Chinese during Spring Festival.

15. 归纳起来,插茱萸,饮菊花酒,赏菊,吃重阳糕等等,都别有一番情趣。
      To sum up, wearing dogwoods, drinking chrysanthemum wine, appreciating chrysanthemums, and eating the Double-Ninth cake have been regarded as special delights for the people.

16. 重阳糕又称花糕、菊糕、五色糕,制无定法,较为随意。最高的有九层,像一个塔。
      There is no fixed ways for the Double Ninth Cake, but super cakes will have as many as nine layers, looking like a tower.

17. 在不同的地区重阳糕的做法各有不同,不过在明清时代人们也把重阳糕称为“花糕”,在城市和乡村都很流行。
      As the cakes appear in different forms, Chongyang Cake was also called Hua (Colorful) Cake after the Ming & Qing Dynasty and became the food for the season in urban and rural areas.

18. 重阳糕的意思

18. 重阳糕又名“菊花糕”或“花糕”重阳糕的历史可追溯到周朝。
      The Double Ninth cake is also known as " chrysanthemum cake " or " flower cake ".