词典illicit sexual relations:苟合;不正当的性关系;奸;奸淫。
1. yehe.net:leyu.net 乐愉 | yehe.net 野合 | fawu.net 发屋
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. Tent:Spank:打屁股 | Tent:野合? | Tort:Torture的缩写?
1. 野合什么意思
1. 近些年我们有些重要的发现,比如:在青海发现了吐蕃墓,里面出土了彩绘的木棺,木棺上绘制有宴饮图、狩猎图、野外交合的野合图,就画在棺板两侧,然后在前档后档画朱雀玄武。
We`ve recently come to some important breakthroughs, such as the recent discovery of a Tubo tomb in Qinghai.
2. 野合的近义词
2. 独野合卖指的是只要一个零售商和批发商出卖产品或者降求必定的服务。
Exclusive distribution refers to the fact that there is only one wholesaler or retailer who selling a product or providing a certain service.
3. 大英雄骑着纯白的独角兽,带着公主逃离恶龙的威胁,然后在美轮美奂的密林深处野合。
The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from thedragon, saves the princess and makes love to her in an enchanted forest.
4. 野合在线翻译
4. 他们说这是“野合”,就要把你捉到警察局里去。
But they will call this " illicit sex " and take you to the police station.
5. 911查询·英语单词
5. 今天,正当我打算和我妹子在公园里野合的时候一个条子抓了我们。
Today, I was about to make love to my girlfriend at the local park when a cop caught us.
6. 一是认为“野合”是指在野外交配,按此说法,孔子为私生子。
First, that " Born " means mating in the wild, according to statement, Confucius as illegitimate.
7. 他们说这是“野合”,就要把你捉到警察局里去。
But they will call this " illicit sex " and take you to the police station.
8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
8. 一是认为“野合”是指在野外交配,按此说法,孔子为私生子。
First, that " Born " means mating in the wild, according to statement, Confucius as illegitimate.