

野炊[yě chuī]



词典cook a meal in the open野炊。

野炊 汉英大词典

野炊[yě chuī]

cook a meal in the open (air)

野炊 网络解释

1. 野炊

1. have a picnic:(2)到海滨游泳,划船、野炊(have a picnic)等. (5)我和弟弟和别的孩子一起在沙滩下(on the sands)玩.

2. picnic:a day in the country 郊区一日游 | picnic 野炊 | pleasure trip 漫游

3. 野炊的意思

3. cookout:4. doggie bag 餐厅供客人带走未吃完食物的袋子 | 5. cookout 野炊 | 6. dean 教务长,训导主任

4. Picnic Supper:Weather天气 | Picnic Supper野炊 | Climb Mountains爬山

野炊 双语例句

1. 野炊在线翻译

1. 我会在野炊时见到你吗?
    To Holly Will I see you at the cookout?

2. 你愿意跟我们一起去野炊吗?
    Would you like to have a picnic with us?

3. 野炊的解释

3. 如果明天下雨,我们就不去野炊了。
    If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the Great Wall.

4. 野炊什么意思

4. 如果明天下雨,我们就不去野炊
    If it rains tomorrow, we will not go camping.

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5. 我们不打算去野炊
    We are not going to have a picnic.

6. 很抱歉,这个周末的野炊我去不了了。
    A: I'm sorry, I can't go to the picnic this weekend.

7. 野炊

7. 春天来了,为了丰富我们的课余生活,学校组织我们到校外的金山寺脚下野炊
    Spring has come, in order to enrich our after-school life, school organizations, we went to school in the Jinshan Temple at the foot of a picnic.

8. 野炊的翻译

8. 如果我们明天去野炊,我们会吃很多东西
    If we have a picnic tomorrow, we will eat a lot of food.

9. 我不记得何时出生,不记得我的第一份圣诞节礼物,也不记得第一次外出野炊的情形,但我记得我第一次听到世界上最甜美的声音。
    I don't remember being born; I don`t recall what I got for my first chirstmas and I don`t know when I went on my first outdoor picnic but I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world.

10. 海滩上是户外野炊的好地方,潮水退了之后,我们在沙滩上有足够的地方玩触身式橄榄球(一种通常在临时场地上进行的不穿防护衣的橄榄球运动,其中不是用扭抱而是通过碰触带球者来阻止对方并自己得球)。
    The beach was perfect for cookouts, and when the tide was out, we had enough room for touch-football games.

11. 来吧!朋友,无论是携侣畅游,还是亲朋聚会,亦或是集体游玩,寻幽,探胜,攀岩,野炊,思古之幽情,现代之刺激,自然之古朴,人文之谐趣,还是品味农家饭、感受农家四合院与城市高楼不同氛围——寺口风景旅游区统统都会给您意外的惊喜和满足。
      Friends, whether it is carrying tour, or gathering of friends, or collective play, or wins exploration, rock climbing, have a picnic, exquisite feelings of Homesickness, the stimulation of modern, ancient nature, Sense of Humour or the taste of rice farmers, feelings Rural and urban high-rise courtyard different atmosphere - Temple scenic tourist area all I will give you a big surprise and satisfy.

12. 野炊的近义词

12. 星期天,我和爸爸妈妈以及表哥一家一起到城郊的大山里春游、野炊。清晨,太阳还没出,我们大家便带着锅碗瓢盆,骑着单车出发了。正是烟花三月,田野里满是绿油油的麦苗,黄澄澄的油菜花。自行车在缤纷的色彩里穿行。近山青,远山黛,翠竹里面有人家,远处的桃花李花像一朵朵红霞白云,也许还有一些蝴蝶蜜蜂在花间忙碌,一层淡淡的薄雾弥漫在田间。真是太美了,我真有点不敢相信这只不过是普普通通的乡野景色。
      Parents in the countryside can be a logical time to go back to visit parents, about the way the loss of my memory, but now the feelings of the home only in the minds of study, and can only remember the loss of more and more are only in the can remember only a small village those premises, and the darkness comes the warmth of those who smoke curl upwards, when night fell in the groups of cattle and sheep shepherd cries slowly in an orderly return of the beautiful sunset at each a white one seems to pink clouds, a small village at the junction of hope bloom into flowers......

13. 野炊

13. 我记得那是在一个傍晚,我们一行人去嘉陵江畔搞野炊
      I remember it was in the evening that a party of us went for a picnic by the JialingRiver.

14. 我参加过最好的一次晚宴聚会是去年的一次野炊;那时家厨的丙烷用完了。
      One of the best dinner parties I ever went to was a cookout last summer where the family chef ran out of propane.

15. 在背包中放入以下物品:野炊垫毯、小容器内水果:如草莓、葡萄、西瓜和猕猴桃。
      Get a back pack and pack the followingitems: A picnic blanket, a selection of fruit in small containers eg. strawberries, grapes, watermelon and kiwi fruit.

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16. 在背包中放入以下物品:野炊垫毯、小容器内水果:如草莓、葡萄、西瓜和猕猴桃。
      Pack items: A picnic blanket, selection fruit containers eg. strawberries, grapes, watermelon kiwi fruit.

17. 我不记得何时出生,不记得我的第一份圣诞节礼物,也不记得第一次外出野炊的情形,但我记得我第一次听到世界上最甜美的声音。
      Idon't remember being born; I don`t recall what I got for my first chirstmas andI don`t know when I went on my first outdoor picnic but I do remember the firsttime I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world.

18. 野炊的解释

18. 走了将近一小时的路,终于到了我们期待已久的野炊地点。
      For nearly an hour of road, and finally to our long-awaited picnic sites.

19. 野炊的反义词

19. 这些是浪漫野炊和花园派对的极佳伴乐,韵律悠扬,轻松易懂。
      Melodic and accessible, this is great music for a romantic picnic or garden party.

20. 我想邀请你参加一次野炊
      I'd like to invite you for a picnic.