

金笺 双语例句

1. 金笺的近义词

1. 礼节的实质就是处处为别人着想,这也就是要实行那条金笺:你想别人怎样对待你,你就该怎样对待别人。
    It's the nature of etiquette that thinking about others at any time, that is to say, it's necessary to carry out that motto: people will treat you as you treat them.

2. 在艺术市场上,精美的金笺扇面往往给买家一种富丽堂皇的感觉,尤其是明清书画名家的金笺扇面。
    In the art market, golden paper fan painting always earn the heart of buyers with their magnificance and luxurious taste, especially those created by masters in Ming and Qing Dynasty.