



金麟 双语例句

1. 金麟什么意思

1. 金麟惠是韩国天后级的女高音之一。
    Sheis renowned as one of the best singers in Korea.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 光大证券银行业分析师金麟认为,贷款的增加将为银行贡献利润。
    Everbright Securities analyst Kim that the banking industry, bank loans will contribute to the increase in profits.

3. 金麟的翻译

3. 东方证券分析师金麟认为,招行是最受益于CPI反弹的银行。
    Orient Securities analyst Jin-Lin believes that China Merchants Bank is the most benefit from the rebound in CPI bank.

4. 我们的理念非常简单:按照客户要求制造轴承,并向客户直接发货,使金麟能够最有效和明确地了解客户需求,继而迅速做出回应。
    Our concept is very simple: according to customer requirements manufacture bearings, direct shipments to customers, so that Jinlin to the most effective and clear understanding of customer needs and then respond quickly.

5. 金麟说,当人们预期通胀率要上升的时候,他们就把资金从定期存款账户里取出来,投资于楼市和股市等资产中,这样或许会降低银行的融资成本。
    When people expect inflation to rise, they withdraw money from time deposit accounts to invest in assets such as property and stocks, which could reduce funding costs for banks, 'said Mr.

6. 金麟预计明年贷款增速有所增长,预计为16%,但是他认为贷款增速增长会带来两个效应:其一是银行整体上被迫大量放贷,与地方政府相关的基建项目,相对来说没有议价能力;另外在行政压力之下同样丧失议价能力。
    Kim is expected to increase next year lending rate, is estimated to be 16%, but that the loan growth rate will rise to two effects: first, banks were forced to a whole lot of lending, local governments and related infrastructure projects, relatively Is no bargaining power; other administrative loss of the same under the pressure of bargaining power.

7. 金麟

7. 东方证券分析师金麟说,在信贷继续扩张、息差扩大的情况下,今年银行业实现利润增长的压力将会减轻。
    With a continued expansion in credit and higher interest margins, banks will face less pressure in increasing their profit this year, 'said Jin Lin, an analyst at Orient Securities Co.

8. 宋晓燕;曾衍钧;李彩霞;廖东华;胡金麟;郝延磊
    Song Xiaoyan; Zeng Yanjun; Li Caixia; Liao Donghua; Hu Jinlin; Hao Yanlei

9. 金麟的反义词

9. 下半年将会推出市场的13个新项目,主要集中在海珠区中部靠近滨江的范围内,扎堆最大量的当属怡乐路周边,共有富力尚溢居、朗晴大学印象、尚海、瀚林水岸、金麟台、塞纳森晴等六个新项目,另外还有滨江东的保利滨江项目、滨江明珠苑、珠江高派;赤岗的鸿景花园、元邦明月园;南洲板块的丽林景苑、晓城等。
    Will be introduced into the market during the second half of the 13 new projects, mainly in the context of nine Central near Village, the most significant probably shot around Lok Road, a total bodied yet Yat home, Long Ching impression University, Shanghai, Robert Lin Shui An, Jinlin Taiwan, Sainasen Ching six new projects, in addition to the East Village Poly Village project, constructed Pearl Court, Pearl River High sent; Chigang the Hongjing Garden, Yuan dead on the South Island Park; the Lilinjingyuan plate, Just City.