

金鼓齐鸣[jīn gǔ qí míng]

词典Gongs and drums sounded.金鼓齐鸣。

词典Gongs and drums beat all around.金鼓齐鸣。

词典There was a great noise of drums and gongs.金鼓齐鸣。


词典The sound of gongs and drums arose.金鼓齐鸣。

金鼓齐鸣 汉英大词典

金鼓齐鸣[jīn gǔ qí míng]

Gongs and drums sounded.; Gongs and drums beat all around.; There was a great noise of drums and gongs.; The sound of gongs and drums arose.

金鼓齐鸣 双语例句

1. 就是那个时候金鼓齐鸣,在打仗,阶级斗争那么尖锐,如果内部这么大闹,那就不好了。
    Because we were then in the heat of war and the class struggle was very acute, and if we had allowed a free-for-all within our own ranks, that would have been bad.

2. 金鼓齐鸣的反义词

2. 金鼓齐鸣
    All the gongs and drums are beating.