




鉴原 双语例句

1. 由于我年事已高,不得不退出本公司业务,决定在故里安度晚年,遗憾之处,诸希鉴原,特此通告。
    It is not without regret that I write to inform you of my retirement from business, but as I am now getting on in years, I have decided to spend

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 因为我年龄已高,不得不退出本公司营业,抉择在家乡安度晚年,遗憾之处,诸希鉴原,特此通告。
    It is not without regret that I write to inform you of my retirement from business, but as I am now getting on in years, I have decided to spend at least part of the autumn of my life in the quiet of my native place.

3. 鉴原

3. 由于我年事已高,不得不退出本公司业务,决定在故里安度晚年,遗憾之处,诸希鉴原,特此通告。
    It is not without regret that I write to inform you of my retirement from busine, but as I am now getting on in years, I have decided to end at least part of the autumn of my life in the quiet of my native place.