1. 钉靴
1. hobnailed boots:hobble skirt 狭下摆裙 | hobnailed boots 钉靴 | hock and foot 猪脚爪
1. 男皮钉靴圆头大方,女皮钉靴尖头小巧。
For men it is round and generous, for lady pointed, small and exquisite
2. 钉靴什么意思
2. 那么来看看我2002年的行头:黑色高翻领毛衣,黑色喇叭裤,斯克切斯平头钉靴,小小的劣质眼镜和一个刮过的脑袋。
So dig my 2002 wardrobe: black turtlenecks, black bell-bottoms, Skechers 2 hobnailed boots, tiny, mean spectacles and a shaved head.
3. danci.911cha.com
3. 来搜一下我2002年的衣橱:黑套头毛衣,黑喇叭裤,Skechers平头钉靴,小巧简约的眼镜和一个剃过的脑袋。
So dig my 2002 wardrobe: black turtlenecks, black bell-bottoms, Skechers2 hobnailed boots, tiny, mean spectacles and a shaved head.
4. 我母亲的家族是务农的瑞典移民,相片里的他们看起来像是,他们若看见任何令人快乐的东西,就用脚上的钉靴一脚踩上去(我舅舅把他们统称为耕牛)。
My mother's family were Swedish immigrant farmers, who look in their photographs like, if they'd ever even seen something pleasurable, they might have stomped on it with their hobnailed boots.