

钓矶[diào jī]

词典a rock projecting over the water for angling钓矶。

钓矶 汉英大词典

钓矶[diào jī]

[书] a rock projecting over the water for angling

钓矶 双语例句

1. 厦门的著名景观有:鼓浪洞天、皓月雄风、菽庄藏海、胡里炮王、大轮梵天、五老凌霄、万石涵翠、太平石笑、云顶观日、金山松石、虎溪夜月、金榜钓矶、鸿山织雨、筼筜月色、天界晓钟、东渡飞虹、东环望海、青礁慈济、鳌园春晖、北山龙潭等名景。内容就是这些,那位高手能帮忙翻译一下。
    Xiamen's famous landscape includes: The drum wave dwelling place ofBuddhist immortals, the bright moon strong wind, beans Zhuang Canghai, Hu Libao the king, the big wheel buddhist day, five Lao Ling 霄, tenthousand 石涵 green jade, peaceful Shi Xiao, 云顶 view date, Jinshan loose rock, a tiger brook night of month, the gold list fish矶, great wild goose Shan Zhiyu, □o□Y the moonlight, the day dawnclock, travels to the east flies the rainbow, east the link looks thesea, the blue reef kindly aids, 鳌 the garden parental affection, theBeishan Mountains Longtan and so on the famous scenery.

2. 钓矶的近义词

2. 在黄昏的时候,当搬运工人们都回去了,我便集合了许多我的玩伴,和他们像蚂蚁般勤劳地工作着,有时两人或三人搬一块石子,我们把它全运走,筑了一个我们的小钓矶
    Accordingly, in the evening, when the workmen were gone home, I assembled a number of my play-fellows, and we worked diligently like so many emmets, sometimes two or three to a stone, till we had brought them all to make our little wharf.

3. 第二天那些工人很惊讶石子的失踪,却在我们的钓矶上找到,查探之后我们被发现了,并且被控诉了,有些同伴被他们的父亲谴责,如果我争辩说这件工作是有益的,但我的父亲教训我说不义之物没有一件是有意义的。
    The next morning the workmen were surprised at missing the stones which formed our wharf. Inquiry was made after the authors of this transfer; we were discovered, complained of, and corrected by our fathers; and, though I demonstrated the utility of our work, mine convinced me that that which was not honest could not be truly useful.