


词典alms bowl钵盂。

钵盂 双语例句

1. 钵盂

1. 据说有的寺院于腊月初八以前由僧人手持钵盂,沿街化缘,将收集来的米、栗、枣、果仁等材料煮成腊八粥散发给穷人
    Some monasteries in the twelfth lunar month is said to eighth day before the hand-held by the monks alms bowl, street alms, will be collected rice, chestnuts, dates, nuts and other ingredients laba porridge distributed to the poor

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2. 释迦牟尼的钵盂是每个佛都曾使用的,首先保存在Vaisali接着带到犍陀罗,波斯,中国,斯里兰卡到兜率天,Sagara的地方等待着弥赛亚的到来,它被分为四分,每一分都被保护着。
    The almsbowl of Sakyamuni to be used by every Buddha, first preserved at Vaisali then taken to gandhara, Persia, China, Srilanka to the heaven Tusita, to the place of Sagara a waits the advent of maitraya, where upon it will divide into four pieces, each of which is to be guarded.

3. 钵盂的意思

3. 朕又有一个紫金钵盂,送你途中化斋而用。
    And I`d like to give you a golden Buddhist

4. 今寺院中以铜制钵盂形物,置于佛桌右侧,于法会、课诵时由维那师以棓击鸣之法器。
    This temple in BoYu copper Buddha image, on the table, and recite puja when the teacher to Bang by dimension of wooden bars the strike bell skulls.