1. 可以看到德国人在丛林之间悠闲地用大镐和铁铣构筑防御工事。
German figures could be seen working rather leisurely with pick and shovel at their defences.
2. 随后我们抡起镐头和铁铣猛干了起来,大约两个半钟点以后,大功便告成了。
Then we whirled in with the pick and shovel, and in about two hours and a half the job was done.
3. 这座白房子的旁边是一个刚用铁铣松过土的花畦,花畦旁有一堆黑而肥沃的泥土。
To treat with chalk. Beside the house was a freshly spaded flower? bed, and nearby a pile of dark, rich earth.
4. 这些年轻人掮着铁铣锄头高兴地下地了。
The youngsters, shouldering spades and hoes, left merrily for the fields.
5. 他说:哈克·芬,你难道听说过有一个囚犯用铁铣和镐头,以及衣柜里的所有现代工具,用来挖地道逃出来的么?
He turns on me, looking pitying enough to make a body cry, and says: Huck Finn, did you EVER hear of a prisoner having picks and shovels, and all the modern conveniences in his wardrobe to dig himself out with?
6. 铁铣
6. 我们在窗洞口一听,只听得杰姆在打呼噜,我们就一抬手把蜡烛扔了进去。可是这并没有弄醒杰姆。随后我们抡起镐头和铁铣猛干了起来,大约两个半钟点以后,大功便告成了。
That night we went down the lightning-rod a little after ten, and took one of the candles along, and listened under the window-hole, and heard Jim snoring; so we pitched it in, and it didn't wake him.
7. 这座白房子的旁边是一个刚用铁铣松过土的花畦,花畦旁有一堆黑而肥沃的泥土。
Beside the house was a freshly spaded flower bed, and nearby a pile of dark, rich earth.