

铃铃[línɡ línɡ]


铃铃 双语例句

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1. 钉铃铃 出来拿你的冰淇淋
    Ding-a-ling, come out and get your ice cream.

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2. 此外,一些电子商务网站也在尝试着各种各样的CPA业务,如叮铃铃、白兰鸽等网站利用搜索引擎平台推出的电话业务,通过400等免费电话来作为计费的标准。
    In addition, some e-commerce sites also try a wide variety of CPA services, such as Ding Ling Ling, BRAND pigeons, and other sites using search engines launch platform for the telephone business, such as through free 400 telephone billing as the standard.

3. 铃铃

3. 最后一个年轻的老鼠站起来,说:我们必须把铃铃猫。
    At last a young mouse stands up and says, We must put a bellon the cat.

4. 文化建设小组刘庆勇、宣传策划小组杨铃铃、会员管理小组李敬慧、技术兴趣小组李若寒等纷纷登上讲台给会员献上精彩的演讲。
    Culture-constructing group Liu qingyong, propagandism group Yang lingling, leaguer Management Group Li jinghui, Technology Group Li Ruohan all stepped on to the platform and made splendid speeches.

5. 铃铃的意思

5. 铃铃铃,我急忙看看来电显示,是你,真的回来了。。。。。。
    The bell bell of the bell, I see in a hurry that the incoming telegram shows, you, Have really come back......

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 不同播期对抗虫杂交棉的影响表现为,在适期早播情况下利于抗虫杂交棉中棉所29棉铃铃壳中的干物质向籽棉中转移,以提高其单铃重。
    Suitable early sowing was favorable for the dry matter in boll shell to be transported from shell to seed cotton, which could improve the weight per boll increasingly.

7. 此外,抗虫杂交棉中棉所29中部棉铃铃壳的物质转移率和籽棉的干物质积累量明显高于下部和上部果枝棉铃。
    In addition, the transportation of dry matter from shell to seed cotton in the middle boll were much higher than that of the upper lay and underlayer boll.

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8. 他桌上的电话叮铃铃响了。
    The telephone on his desk warbled.

9. danci.911chaxun.com

9. 他们开始唱的每一个昕铃铃-都如此美妙!
    Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing so fine.

10. 虽然叶枝铃的单铃重较主茎铃铃重低0.35g,衣分率低1.5个百分点,但纤维品质仍属同一档次。
    Though the individual boll weight setting on the vegetative branch was 0.35g lighter, the lint was 1.5 percentage lower than that setting on the fruiting branches. But both the fiber quality had similar level.

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11. 销售经理成为救火队员星期五的黄昏,叮铃铃。。。
      Sales manager to become firefighters on Friday evening, jingle bell...