



铜壶滴漏 双语例句

1. 铜壶滴漏与日晷一样是我国古代重要的计时工具,它的精确度之高令人惊讶。
    In this way, the calculation of time is more accurate.

2. 铜壶滴漏的近义词

2. 然后,他们经过了门厅、院落、书房,以及有一座铜壶滴漏的六角形房间。一天早晨,他们从一座塔上看见一个石人,后来就再也看不见了。
    They wandered next through antechambers and courtyards and libraries, and then through a hexagonal room with a water clock, and one morning, from a tower, they made out a man of stone, whom later they lost sight of forever.

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3. 殿内存玉玺25块;西侧陈设乾隆年间造的自鸣钟;东侧为铜壶滴漏,清世祖顺治禁止内官干预政事的铁牌也立于此殿。
    Hall of memory Yuxi 25; display on the west side of years of Qianlong made Ziming Zhong; Tonghudilou to the eastern side of the Qing generation Junji prohibit intervention in the conduct of public affairs officer of the Hall of Tiepai also remain.