

铜钿[tónɡ tián]




铜钿 双语例句

1. 铜钿什么意思

1. 小偷:哈哈,真是三个阿摩林铜钿丢了还不知道。
    Pickpocket: Hehe, They really are three suckers, lost all their money and they still don't know.

2. 嘴上咕哝着,我醒转了过来,猛然从一个无比逼真的梦中抽身而出。在梦里,我的身体正变得越来越小,一直缩小,直到变得比一块铜钿大不了多少。
    Spluttering, I came to, snapped away from an all-too-vivid dream in which I was growing smaller and smaller, shrink-ing in size until I was slightly larger than a penny.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 并且老陈老爷也是很恨洋鬼子,常常说“铜钿都被洋鬼子骗去了”。
    Old master Chen had hated the foreign devils too. " the foreign devils have swindled our money away, " he used to say.

4. 铜钿在线翻译

4. 并且老陈老爷也是很恨洋鬼子,常常说“铜钿都被洋鬼子骗去了”。
    Old master Chen had hated the foreign devils too. " the foreign devils have swindled our money away," he used to say.