

银楼[yín lóu]

词典silverware shop银楼。

词典jeweler's shop银楼。

银楼 汉英大词典

银楼[yín lóu]

silverware shop; jeweler's shop

银楼 网络解释

1. jewelry shop:jetliner 喷射机 | jewelry shop 银楼 | jig 锯片

2. 银楼

2. gunlau:gunkaka 銀角仔 | gunlau 銀樓 | gunphio 銀票

3. ginlau:ginhang 銀行 | ginlau 銀樓 | ginphio 銀票

4. silverwaeshop:silvertungsten 银钨合金 | silverwaeshop 银楼 | silverware 银器 银制品

银楼 双语例句

1. 银楼的反义词

1. 试金石和对金牌是银行、钱庄或银楼用於鉴定黄金成色的一套工具。
    Banks, native banks and silver banks used touchstones and verification tokens to examine the purity of gold.

2. 银楼

2. 银楼位于中国白银第一坊内,在阳光的照射下,新建成的银楼显得分外妖娆。
    The silver tower locates in the Silver Garden of China in Yongxing county.

3. 买珠宝首饰,就到老凤祥银楼
    Tittle-tattle: to talk idly or foolishly; gossip.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 老凤祥银楼是半个世纪的百年老店了。
    Lao Fengxiang is an old and famous store of half a century old.

5. 银楼

5. 市中心的那座银楼已经有将近一百年的历史了。
    The jeweler's shop in the city center has a history of about a hundred years.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 因为银楼老板答应我可以用戒指换项链,所以我不嫁你。
    Silver floor, because the boss I can promise ring for necklace, so I will not marry you.

7. 银楼的品牌上的便携式视频游戏系统,如索尼公司的
    AG house brands onto portable video game systems such as the Sony PlayStation...

8. 银楼的解释

8. 呆在一个有损健康、人际关系和心态的环境中是不值的。买珠宝首饰,就到老凤祥银楼!支持(0)中立(0)反对0
    It's simply not worth staying in a situation that can negatively impact your health, relationships, and peace of mind.

9. 老凤祥银楼是国内唯一的由一个半世纪前相传至今的百年老店。
    Lao Fengxiang Jewelry Store is the only hundred-years-old store handed down from half a century ago in China.

10. 银楼的解释

10. 但愿看到本简章的同学都能成为未来金行银楼中的老板。
    We hope that students who have seen the page will become the bosses of gold line in the future.

11. 银楼

11. 窃贼也在过去2个月内杀害3名珠宝商,因为他们试图阻止窃贼打劫银楼
      Thieves have also killed three jewellers in the last two months when they tried to stop them from looting their shops.

12. 本银楼优惠价供应金银珠宝。
      Our jewelry shop provides gold, silver and jewelry at favoraBle prices.

13. 银楼的意思

13. 随着上海经济发展的不断变化,逐渐有新的商区出现,银楼店铺也会跟随着新的商业街区扩大经营区域的范围。
      As the development of Shanghai economy, there are more and more new commercial districts, the jewelry shops will extant its business scale with the development of the commercial districts.