



银瓜 双语例句

1. 其余七道冷拼,风味各异,分为香甜、麻辣、清香、咸香、酸甜、葱油、酥脆,色彩和谐,搭配匀称。12个热炒是珍珠海参、龙须瓜条、瓜丝鱼、烩黄瓜鸡托、金钩翡翠、炸瓜枣、二龙戏珠、凤尾瓜条、金钱瓜盅、雪山银瓜、瓤汁锦瓜、金盅瓜衣,款款色彩鲜艳、味美可口,从以上列的这些名目就可以知道,制作者的构思是多么巧妙,技艺是多么的高超。
    The remaining seven cold together, different flavors, divided into sweet, spicy, fragrance咸香, sweet and sour, 葱油, crisp, color harmony, with symmetry. 12 speculation is pearl sea cucumber, Gracilaria瓜条, melon silk fish, chicken cooked in soy and vinegar cucumber entrusted Jingou Jade, fried melon jujube, 二龙戏珠, Fissidens瓜条, money cup melon, melon silver snow-capped mountains, pulp juice Kam melon, gold cup melon clothing, evaded colorful, delicious taste, from the above list of these names can know that the producers of the idea of just how clever, how the superb artistry.

2. 银瓜

2. 测出了玉米、绿豆、红小豆、黍子、芝麻、大葱、银瓜,以VID_(50)作指标和山楂、玫瑰以GRD_(50)作指标的辐射诱变适宜剂量。
    The appropriate dose of radiation mutation was measured for maize, green gram, rice bean, proso millet...