





锅灰 双语例句

1. 我输了,向喜和我闹着玩,抹了我一脸锅灰
    I went to his home with Hongbing and other friends, playing cards with Xiangxi, Mr Zhang's son.

2. 我输了,向喜和我闹着玩,抹了我一脸锅灰
    I lost and Xiangxi mischievously smeared my face with soot.

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3. 这些壁画一般都在很短的时间内完成,用墨汁、锅灰、红土和简单的矿物颜料画在石灰墙上。
    These murals are generally in a very short time, using ink, pot ash, clay and mineral pigments simple lime painted on the wall.

4. 锅灰的翻译

4. 有些地方还有给小孩鼻尖上抹锅灰的习俗,据说也是为了压邪逐鬼。
    There are some places for the children to the custom of nose rubbed pot ash, it is said also to suppress by a ghost.

5. 更绝的是他门上的一幅对联,纸还是红纸,字则是用老碗蘸了锅灰拓上去的,上联下联,对仗对偶,各为五个黑圈圈。
    Was even more peculiar is that he's a couplet on the door, paper, or red paper, the word is to use the old gray bowl dip extension of the pot up, and the joint second line, parallelism of the dual, each with five black circle.

6. 进了房间,姑娘们还不放过新郎,用锅灰油泥抹在新郎脸上,使新郎狼狈不堪。
    Entered the room, girls were also left off and groom, with pot ash sludge put on the groom's face, so that the groom find any.

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7. 为什么要在刻好的贝叶上再涂上一层锅灰呢?
    Why do they apply a layer of soot to the carved leaves?