1. 锡杖是什么意思
1. tin staff:the Three Sutras on the Buddha's Bequeathed Teachings <<遗教三经>> | tin staff 锡杖 | tip of a single fine hair 一毛孔 *
1. 地藏菩萨这也是大乘经中所说的他方世界的菩萨,形象一般是结跏趺坐,右手持锡杖,表爱护众生,也表戒修精严;右手持如意宝珠,表满众生的愿。也有的是立像的。
This is also in the Tibetan Mahayana Bodhisattva said by the Buddha of the other world, the image is generally sit cross-legged tarsus zuo end, right hand holdingxi zhang, table caring for all living creatures, but also refined form of martial law repair ring; the right hand holding Ruyi Baozhu, table full of willing creatures.
2. 锡杖
2. 而国宝级文物鎏金迎真身双轮十二环银锡杖无疑是整个展厅中的亮点。它长1.96米,重2.39公斤,用金2两、银58两,是目前世界上发现的年代最早、等级最高、制作最精美的佛教法器。
While without doubt the sparkle should be the national treasure, the golden Yin Zhenshen double-wheel and tweleve rings silver tin wand, with 1.96 meters high and 2.39 killograms weight, made up of 2 liang golds, 58 liang silver, is the world most highest rank, the most layers and the most delicate Buddha ancestor preciousness.