

锣鼓喧天[luó gǔ xuān tiān]


词典The beating of gongs and drums resounded to the skies.锣鼓喧天。


词典a deafening sound of gongs and drums锣鼓喧天。


词典a stifling din of gongs and drums锣鼓喧天。

词典beating of gongs and drums锣鼓喧天。

锣鼓喧天 汉英大词典

锣鼓喧天[luó gǔ xuān tiān]


The beating of gongs and drums resounded to the skies.; a deafening sound of gongs and drums; a stifling din of gongs and drums; beating of gongs and drums; gonging and drumming; Noise created by gongs and drums.; The sound of drums and gongs filled the st

锣鼓喧天 双语例句

1. 刚刚锣鼓喧天,出来个戴纱帽的,一会儿披枷戴锁成了囚犯。
    Therefore, there is a peculiar metaphorical concept in Chinese.

2. 秋高雁飞大江奔腾水欢笑,彩旗高飘锣鼓喧天庆落成!
    Yanfei autumn high water river Pentium laughter, colorful flags Luoguxuantian-high floating completion!

3. 天刚亮,各地狮队锣鼓喧天,舞狮进场后,各狮队在盘古王庙前大广场一字摆开,同时起舞,庆诞活动达到高潮。
    Tian Liang, local Lions Luoguxuantian, lion dance venue, the Lions in the former Pan Gu Temple Square, the word swing, dance, activities of the birthday-climax.

4. 锣鼓喧天的反义词

4. 没有了金戈铁马,没有了锣鼓喧天,一切都是静悄悄的,一切都在等待。
    Winter dormancy in the earth, for making the dream of years come true.

5. 锣鼓喧天、鞭炮齐鸣更为节日增加了几分喜庆。
    Drumline and firerackers increased festive celebrations.

6. 他们因神而欢乐,锣鼓喧天
    They were rejoicing in God and they were loud

7. 锣鼓喧天什么意思

7. 然而不论是新成员也好,老资格也罢,所有的国家都表现出沉默而低调,而不是锣鼓喧天、焰火漫天的的喜悦。
    But instead of fanfare and fireworks, the mood is muted in New Europe and among the E. U.

8. 锣鼓喧天

8. 网络上有很多意图不正的写博者。他们中很多人锣鼓喧天,言过其实地去吸引流量和点击率。
    There are a lot of mean spirited bloggers out there, many using flames and trolling to attract traffic to their sites.

9. 演出还在热闹进行,锣鼓喧天强强滚……一场斗殴随时可能正要发生。
    The performance is still on going bustlingly with gongs and drums……a fight was about to

10. 锣鼓喧天的翻译

10. 这时,在大门口开始了锣鼓喧天的日本乐队大合奏。
    Well, that's enough, 'said the Honourable William Batulcar.

11. 2008——迎奥运万人拔河大赛的现场,红旗招展、锣鼓喧天,呐喊声、助威声、嬉笑声搅成一片,就像一个盛大的全民狂欢庙会,输赢已无关紧要,快乐才是绝对真正的主题。
      Winning or losing did not matter for all contestants, and happy is the theme of the game.

12. 广场上锣鼓喧天,场面可热火啦!
      The square, amidst the deafening sound of drums and gongs, presented a scene of noisy hilarity.

13. 锣鼓喧天

13. 在那些石头里,我仿佛看见锣鼓喧天、唢呐动地,喊着号子的汉子光着上身抬着嫁妆攀爬在亮梯子上,豆大的汗水沿着他们被太阳晒得黝黑黝黑的背上滑行;
      In those stones I saw roaring gongs, drums and suonas, and men stripped to their waist carrying dowry up stone steps while chanting work songs, beads of sweat sliding down their heavily tanned backs.

14. 锣鼓喧天的反义词

14. 吹打乐,两种最闹的乐器组合,在同一个演出场合中合作,往往可以营照出锣鼓喧天与震人心绯的气势。
      The concoction of the two most dynamic instruments-wind and percussion, never fails to create a roaring and captivating ambience when collaborated at the same staging.

15. 还有一个给我印象深刻的情景是,那些衣着鲜艳的老太太锣鼓喧天地扭秧歌。她们高涨的情绪非常具有感染力。
      Another sight that impresses me greatly is to watch those colorfully dressed elderly ladies doing the yangge dance to the loud rhythmic music of cymbals and drums.

16. 街头到处张灯结彩,锣鼓喧天
      The streets were all decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the place reechoed with the sound of gongs and drums.

17. 大会堂里锣鼓喧天
      The sounds of gongs and drums echoed in the great hall.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 檀香山的舞狮队,以三只巨狮共舞,为典礼揭开序幕,锣鼓喧天,瞬间就为会场带来热闹的气氛。
      A lion dance team of Honolulu inaugurated the event with a group dance of three gigantic lions, deafening drums and gongs immediately brought a warm atmosphere to the venue.