

锦囊[jǐn nánɡ]


锦囊 网络解释

1. jinnang.net:jianghe.net 江和,江河,将和 | jinnang.net 锦囊 | kuchong.net 库充,库冲,酷虫,酷宠

锦囊 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 但她的名牌衣袖下暗藏几招锦囊妙计。。。
    But she's got a few tricks up her Lacroix sleeves yet...

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 这里有五个锦囊,以获得最佳的PPC的。
    Here are five tips to get the most out of PPC.

3. 锦囊的翻译

3. 如果你也有锦囊袋,和我们一起分享吧。
    Learning 5 or 10 of them a day will be a great help.

4. 我认为这是一个优美雅致的技巧,可以补充我们已有的技巧锦囊
    I think this is a nice and elegant technique that can complement the suite of techniques that we already use.

5. 这里请将您的锦囊任何技巧。
    Here should be grateful if you have any tricks up their sleeves.

6. 锦囊是什么意思

6. 他从锦囊里又掏出什么妙计了呢?
    D: Then you`ll have to think of something better, Robert.

7. 锦囊的解释

7. 这不是一个快速锦囊-启动明天种图书。
    This isn't a quick-tips-start-tomorrow kind of book.

8. 虽然这些锦囊看似强硬,其中最重要的钥匙记得保持你的体重是享受吧。
    While these tips may seem tough, one of the most important keys to remember in maintaining your weight is to enjoy yourself.

9. 锦囊

9. 在美国,流传这样一个笑话:据说每一任下野总统都为下任新总统留下三个锦囊,并说如果碰到麻烦可一年打开一个锦囊
    Be in the United States, circulate a such jest: Allegedly every allow president of fall out of power is next Ren Xin's presidents to leave 3 bright and beautiful bursa, if come up against a trouble to be able to open a bright and beautiful bursa one year, say.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 其次,将陆抄本与同属于古本系统的巾箱本、嘉靖抄本、《锦囊》本、凌刻本进行多方面的比较,总结出各本的特征,评价各本改动的得失。
    Second, by comparing the Lu edition with other editions of the early Group, it summarizes the characteristics of those other editions and assesses the pros and cons of their textual alterations.

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. 一篇篇蕴涵着生活和成功智慧的文章汇集而成的智慧书,犹如幸福人生的智慧锦囊,读后掩卷沉思,顿时让你看透人生的迷雾,洞察世事,练达人情,懂得成功之道,每天都有好的心情和状态。
      Implies a chapter of life and successful collection of articles made of the wisdom of the wisdom of the book, like the wisdom of life, happiness tips, reading Yanjuan meditation, suddenly you see through the fog of life, insight into things, sophisticated human, know how to success every day a good mood and status.

12. 锦囊在线翻译

12. 比尔总有锦囊妙计,所以任何时候遇到难题,他总能找到方法解决。
      Card up one s sleeve 锦囊妙计例句:Bill always has a card up one s sleeve, so whenever faced up with a puzz le, he could find a way.

13. 锦囊

13. 还指手划脚呢!假如我停住嘴想一想,就能明白你的锦囊妙计了。
      Why, if I had stopped to think, I'd have known you had a lone hand up your sleeve.

14. 锦囊

14. 海伦:所以我还另外准备了几个锦囊妙计。
      Helen: So I have a couple of other tricks up my sleeve as well.

15. 锦囊的意思

15. 您好,欢迎收看CNN商务旅游锦囊,我是理查德·奎斯特,本月我将在欧洲的铁路沿线为您报道。
      Hello! And welcome to CNN Business Traveler. I'm Richard Quest. This month's reporting from the railways of Europe.

16. 这是我的锦囊妙计之一,牵涉到你和我之间的默契,这是很了不起的。
      It was one of my more brilliant ideas, and between you and me, that's saying something.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 这里有些锦囊妙计帮你养成良好的理财习惯。
      These tips will help you develop good habits.

18. 锦囊是什么意思

18. 因为我相信每个人身上都有一些与生惧来的优点和力量,虽然我无法给每个员工提供锦囊妙计,但我愿意给他们作出坚决有力,安全可靠,内心平静的榜样来,去影响周围的人。
      I nstead I will model decisiveness, strength security and inner peace that will reverberate to those around me

19. 从本周起,在跨大西洋和跨太平洋航线,以及那些从巴西和阿根廷,美国商务客户坐在将收到锦囊完善穆拉德护肤乳液,而在美国第一层次的客户也将获得舒缓皮肤和唇部护理和石榴润肤露。
      Beginning this week, on trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific flights, as well as those to and from Brazil and Argentina, customers seated in United Business will receive kits containing Murad Skin Perfecting Lotion, while customers seated in United First will also receive Soothing Skin and Lip Care and Pomegranate Body Lotion.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 他早有锦囊妙计,所以第一个计画失败了,他就试第二个。
      05 He always has a card up his sleeve, so when his first plan failed he tried another.