



词典beautiful mountains and rivers锦绣山河;山明水秀。

锦绣山河 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. Juarez:小狐狸 Little Foxes, The (1941) | 锦绣山河 Juarez (1939) | 老处女 Old Maid, The (1939)

锦绣山河 双语例句

1. 锦绣山河

1. 黄鹤楼雄踞长江之滨,蛇山之首,背倚万户林立的武昌城,面临汹涌浩荡的扬子江,相对古雅清俊晴川阁,登上黄鹤楼,武汉三镇的旖旎风光历历在目,辽阔神州的锦绣山河也遥遥在望。
    Ocated on the top of Snake Hill, the Yellow Crane Tower stands against Wuchang, faces the vast Yangtze River and the elegant Qingchuan Pavilion. Ascending the tower, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Wuhan.

2. 我热爱祖国的锦绣山河
    I love our beautiful motherland.

3. 锦绣山河

3. 这就是我的小盆景,它集锦绣山河之美于方寸之间,令我百看不厌。
    This is my little potted plant, which combines the beauty of beautiful mountains and rivers in between the square inch, so I never get tired of.

4. 我是第一次全方位地看到了贾树枚的摄影作品,这些作品反映了中国和五大洲24个国家的锦绣山河、文明古迹、灿烂文化。
    Is the first time I saw the full range of pieces of photographic works by Jia tree, these works reflect the five continents in 24 countries of China and the beautiful country, civilization and monuments, splendid culture.

5. 锦绣山河在线翻译

5. 旅游者游览祖国锦绣山河和名胜古迹,对其开阔眼界,陶冶情操,扩大信息交流,增强身心健康都有积极的作用。
    Tourists to visit the motherland's mountains and rivers and beautiful scenic spots and monuments in their eyes open, mold, and expand the exchange of information and enhance the physical and mental health have an active role.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 艺术家们用手中的画笔,歌颂自强不息的民族精神,描绘气象万千的锦绣山河,为奥运喝彩,为人类祈福。
    Those artists extol the national spirit of striving ceaselessly, portray the variable landscape and acclaim for Olympics as well as pray for human beings with their paintbrush in hand.

7. 锦绣山河的翻译

7. 如读西方的哲学和美学、读中国的周易和老子,都需细嚼慢咽,然后再体验天地人间的种种情和景,那时,天地会远及宇宙洪荒,人间会远及皇帝尧舜,满目的锦绣山河、苍然古屋都与人类的文明联为一体,画笔下流淌的,便不仅是斑斓五彩,而且是画家的心血。
    For example read the philosophy and esthetics of the west and read ZHOUYI and LAOZI of the China, all need to be slowly, then experience personally various feeling and view, that time of the world the human life, world would far from in cosmos, the human life would far from the emperor, the full purpose beautiful landscape, however the thou houses all is an integral whole with the mankind's civilization, The paintbrush is mean to drip, then not only is rich in hues multicolored, But also is a painterly strenuous effort.