

长鼓[cháng gǔ]



词典long drum长鼓。

长鼓 汉英大词典

长鼓[cháng gǔ]

long drum

长鼓 双语例句

1. 长鼓和圆鼓也是源自坦波拉这个词。
    The names Tambourin and Tambour are also derived from the word Tambora.

2. 当鼓一放在他面前,他将小鼓融入长鼓继续演奏。
    As soon as it was set up before him, he added the snare to the tom-tom and continued to play.

3. 一排长鼓队,甚至连大学的进行曲乐队都投来羡慕的目光。
    It`s a drum line even a college marching band would envy.

4. 这种音乐是由四种传统打击乐器来演奏的,它们是鼓、锣、包锣、长鼓
    The music played with four traditional percussion instruments that, ,, .

5. 长鼓

5. 而此刻,到了朱佳莉今晚要为大家演唱的最后一个曲目:《长鼓敲起来》。
    Now, the last song sung by Julia tonight is: Beating the Long Drums.

6. 请欣赏由校表演队带来的女声合唱《长鼓敲起来》。
    Now let`s enjoy a song Play the Drum from the school performance team.

7. 长鼓的翻译

7. 这一部分,在西方现代音乐乐器中,例如长鼓和圆鼓,是采用了印度的坦波拉鼓和弹不拉鼓。
    This apart, in modern times the western musical instruments like the Tambourin and the Tambour are adaptations of the Indian Tambora and Tanpura.

8. 长鼓什么意思

8. 这场表演是舞台版本,其中的编舞包括带著长鼓的男舞者,他们和其他民俗打击乐器一同伴奏,并和女舞者们一起舞蹈。
    This performance is a stage version choreographed for the male dancers, who carry the long drums and other folk percussion instruments while performing with the female dancers.

9. 还说那里的人在吊脚楼里生长,背着背娄上山采蘑菇、竹笋、玉米,还以吃上竹筒饭,听瑶歌,看瑶族长鼓舞,真是叫人向往啊――我的江华瑶族山寨。
    They carry the packbasket to reap mushroom, sweet corn and bamboo sprouts among mountain.

10. 长鼓在线翻译

10. 瑶族长鼓舞的体育文化社会功能及资源开发
    The sports, cultural and social functions of Yao national tambourin dance and the development of its resources

11. 它是通过测定齿轮在热处理淬火及焊后实际变形规律,在齿长修正中,采用反变形方式,校正主要变形趋势,同时采用齿长鼓形修正,以提高啮合质量,满足齿轮工作要求。
      By measuring and investigating the deformation rule of gears in quenching and after welding and applying reverse deformation model for addendum correction, the major deformation trend is compensated.

12. 长鼓的意思

12. 瑶族长鼓舞在当代乡土生活中的社会价值探析
      Research on the Social Value of Long-drum Dance of Yao Nationality in Modern Time's Local Life