门当户对[mén dāng hù duì]
词典a marriage between families of equal social rank:门当户对。
词典couples coming from families of equal status:门当户对。
词典equal in social status:门当户对。
词典marry into a proper family:门当户对。
门当户对[mén dāng hù duì]
a marriage between families of equal social rank; couples coming from families of equal status; (families related by marriage) equal in social status; marry into a proper family; marry one's own kind of people; (of two related families linked by marriage)
1. 门当户对的近义词
1. Family Combo II:Life Story: Delinquent Turned Good 人生旅途: 迷失 | 2005 Family Combo II 门当户对 II | Beyond The Axis Of Truth 2 法医X档案2 之红色电流
2. be well-matched in social and economic status:奉子成婚 : SHOTGUN MARRIAGE | 门当户对 : BE WELL-MATCHED IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STATUS. | 自由恋爱 : LOVE MATCH
3. Family Combo:2004 一线之间 When The Time Comes | 门当户对 Family Combo | 2005 门当户对 II Family Combo II
4. Let beggars match beggars:言多必失 Least said, soonest mended. | 門當戶對 Let beggars match beggars. | 別管閒事 Let sleeping dogs lie; Mind your own business.