1. 另外,R-2速度更快,安装有电台因此更适合用于闪击战。
Also, the R-2 was faster and had a radio and was thus was more suited for blitzkrieg tactics and operations.
2. 闪击战
2. 有人问我闪击战期间的感受。
I have been asked how I felt in the Blitz.
3. 闪击战的解释
3. 但细致分析可以发现,闪击战在各阶段上是存在差异的。
However, there are differences in the blitzkrieg if we analyze it in detail.
4. 闪击战
4. 第三部分进行了闪击战前期胜利的比较。
The third part is about the comparison of blitzkrieg in the preliminary victory.
5. 闪击战是什么意思
5. 从这里出发,才可以更深入地理解当时闪击战短暂胜利后落幕的深层次原因。
From here, we will be more in-depth in understanding the blitzkrieg after a brilliant end in a short time.
6. 闪击战的翻译
6. 作为当时先进的作战理论,闪击战理论在最初的实施阶段,取得了明显的战果。
As an advanced campaign theory at that time, the blitzkrieg theory achieved brilliant successes in the initial stage.
7. 第五部分对纳粹德国闪击战的理论进行了评价并对其实践进行了总结。
The fifth part:the German Nazi blitzkrieg theory was evaluated and its practice was summarized.
8. 作为闪击战的一部分,WISE团队召开了一场关于近地行星的记者招待会,会议期间谈到了太阳系内部物体的主题。
As part of the blitz, the WISE team held a press conference on Near Earth Asteroids, during which the subject of objects in the solar system came up.
9. 再者,我们要来一场公宣闪击战,让世界知道您雄风依旧又平易近人。
Third off, we're going on a publicity blitz to show the world that you're still going strong, still have the common touch.