闪回[shǎn huí]
{影视} flashback
1. 闪回的近义词
1. U_1c9Y0 有时它们以闪回的火花形式出现;有时是一个意义深远的新朋友;有时是一个触发我们不曾有过的感觉的婴儿。
I$HFd|sDr0 Temptation comes to all of us, whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise. Sometimes it arrives in a form.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 过去,日本为了自己的利益,更多地是利用世界的经济资源,提高了自己的经济地—————正闪回—回——】口口口回问回口问口口b。。
This principle not merely will serve to compel the present permanent members to share more fees, but implies that Japan is already possessed of the obligation ability as a permanent member.
3. danci.911chaxun.com
3. 可以用oracle的闪回数据库方法把整个数据库恢复到过去的某个时间。
You can use the Oracle Flashback Database to rewind the whole database to a past time.
4. 视频系统的闪回从哈特尼斯国际,从而进一步提高了高速运动分析,因为它省去了翻阅长期录象片段找到故障。
The FlashBack video system from Hartness Int'l improves on high-speed motion analysis because it eliminates having to scroll through long video segments to find the fault.
5. 闪回一船为您的设备ROM和坚持自己的区域ID以光盘。。。
Flash back to a ship ROM for your device and stick to ROMs with your region ID...
6. Mike :你有没有试着搞清楚所有的向前和向后的闪回?
Mike: Do you ever try to figure out all the flash forwards and flashbacks?
7. 闪回是什么意思
7. 其中的第一个系列是由一组大幅的纸上水彩作品组成,这些作品能勾起每个人对其家庭相册中童年的隐秘回忆的闪回。
The first series is made up of large-format watercolor works on paper that evoke a private family photograph album.
8. 随着影片情节的发展,导演精心安排了一系列的闪回镜头来讲述喜福会四个女人和她们出生于美国的女儿们的故事。
As the film unfolds, a series of well-orchestrated flashbacks tell the stories of the'Joy Luck Club'and their American-born daughters.
9. 有时它们以闪回的火花形式出现;有时是一个意义深远的新朋友;有时是一个触发我们不曾有过的感觉的婴儿。
Ability to recognize its disguise, sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame
10. 有时它们以闪回的火花形式出现;有时是一个意义深远的新朋友;有时是一个触发我们不曾有过的感觉的婴儿。
To recognize its disguise, sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame, fli
11. charlie在这两个闪回里穿这不同的衣服,在这集的闪回里,他没有刮胡子,所以这是一个不同的场景,也就是两个不同的闪回。
Charlie is wearing different clothes and is unshaven in this episode, so it may be just a similar scene
12. 闪回
12. 那一刻所有发生过的事情都在闪回。
It was a flashback of everything that had happened up to that moment.
13. 在一组由billy在监狱生活的片断拼贴出的画面闪回后,我明白了这个real time的意思,对于billy来说。
Billy Brown just got out of jail, now he is going to serve some real time.
14. 倒叙,闪回镜头:一种文学或电影的表现手法,往往在一段按正常时间顺序记叙的叙事中插入一件以前发生过的事情
A literary device in which an earlier event is inserted into a narrative.
15. 闪回的翻译
15. 甚至有一段关于谋杀本身的闪回。
There is even a flashback to the murder itself.
16. 闪回,他看到了倒退的谋杀。
In flashback, he sees the murder in reverse.
17. 闪回是什么意思
17. 大家还记得之前的闪回吧?
Remember that previously flashback?
18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全
18. 所以拍一集闪回会很有意思。
So it would be really fun to do a flashback episode.
19. ORACLE闪回技术的使用与分析
Application and Analysis on Oracle Database Flashback Technology
20. 在伊万的其中一个闪回画面里,你可以听到他在读雷·布拉德贝瑞的短篇小说《雷霆万钧》的某一部分。
During one of Evan's " flashback " scenes, he can be heard reading part of Ray Bradbury's short story " A Sound of Thunder ".